Philips Semiconductors
Analog companion chip
Product data
Rev. 04 – 12 January 2004
27 of 92
9397 750 12612
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
Note the write to next address, 0x04
The HD Sync Generator inserts a definable sync pattern (that normally includes
blanking) into the video line. This includes a ’Select’ bit [in the Line_Pattern_Array]
which determines whether the current portion of the line should display video or
generated sync. Each portion of the line has a color value defined, which will be
displayed if Select=1. There is a 1 pixel path difference between ’Select’ and
’Value’, resulting in the momentary display of the color value for 1 pixel width until
the Select bit switches active video to the output display.
The work around for the above problem is to ensure that the Value array entry for the
’active’ portion of the line is set the same as the previous portion of the line. This will
normally mean setting the value to blanking level. This will ensure that during the 1
clock path difference, the color value output will be the same as for the previous
portion of the line. This will remove the observed spike.
The listing below outlines an example on how to set up the sync tables for a 1080i HD
// hd-sync config file for 1080i
//index //line_count
25//5 lines vsync
41//1 line sync-black-sync-black
614//14 lines blank
1537//537 lines active video
65//5 lines blank
51//1 line sync-black-sync-blank
24//4 lines sync
31//1 line sync blank sync black
615//15 lines blank
1537//537 lines active video
65//5 lines blank
00//dummy lines
00//dummy lines
00//dummy lines
00//dummy lines
00//dummy lines
00000034 //sync-full active line
00002424 //sync-half blank-sync-half blank
00001424 //sync-half blank-sync-half black
00001414 //sync-half black-sync-half black
00002414 //sync-half black-sync-half blank
00000054 //sync-full line black