16-Bit, 500Msps, Interpolating and Modulating
Dual DAC with Interleaved LVDS Inputs
If a transformer is not used, the outputs must have a
resistive termination to ground. Figure 17 shows the
MAX5898 output configured for differential DC-coupled
mode. The DC-coupled configuration can be used to
eliminate waveform distortion due to highpass filter
effects. Applications include communication systems
employing analog quadrature upconverters and requir-
ing a high-speed DAC for baseband I/Q synthesis.
If a single-ended DC-coupled unipolar output is desir-
able, OUTIP (OUTQP) should be selected as the out-
put, and connect OUTIN (OUTQN) to ground. Using
the MAX5898 output single-ended is not recommended
because it introduces additional noise and distortion.
The distortion performance of the DAC also depends
on the load impedance. The MAX5898 is optimized for
a 50
double termination. It can be used with a trans-
former output as shown in Figure 16 or just one 25
resistor from each output to ground and one 50
tor between the outputs (Figure 17). Higher output ter-
mination resistors can be used, as long as each output
voltage does not exceed +1V with respect to GND, but
at the cost of degraded distortion performance and
increased output noise voltage.
Reference Input/Output
The MAX5898 supports operation with the on-chip 1.2V
bandgap reference or an external reference voltage
source. REFIO serves as the input for an external, low-
impedance reference source, and as the output if the
DAC is operating with the internal reference.
For stable operation with the internal reference, REFIO
should be decoupled to GND with a 1F capacitor.
REFIO must be buffered with an external amplifier,
if heavy loading is required, due to its 10k
Alternatively, apply a temperature-stable external refer-
ence to REFIO (Figure 18). The internal reference is over-
driven by the external reference. For improved accuracy
and drift performance, choose a fixed output voltage ref-
erence such as the MAX6520 bandgap reference.
The MAX5898’s reference circuit (Figure 19) employs a
control amplifier, designed to regulate the full-scale
current IOUT for the differential current outputs of the
DAC. The output current can be calculated as:
IOUTFS = 32 x IREF x 65,535 / 65,536
where IREF is the reference output current (IREF = VREFIO /
RSET) and IOUTFS is the full-scale output current of the
DAC. Located between FSADJ and DACREF, RSET is the
reference resistor, which determines the amplifier’s output
current for the DAC. See Table 5 for a matrix of different
IOUTFS and RSET selections.
Power Supplies, Bypassing,
Decoupling, and Layout
Grounding and power-supply decoupling strongly influ-
ence the MAX5898 performance. Unwanted digital
crosstalk can couple through the input, reference,
power-supply, and ground connections, which can
affect dynamic specifications like signal-to-noise ratio
or spurious-free dynamic range. In addition, electro-
magnetic interference (EMI) can either couple into or
be generated by the MAX5898. Observe the grounding
and power-supply decoupling guidelines for high-
speed, high-frequency applications. Follow the power-
supply and filter configuration guidelines to achieve
optimum dynamic performance.
Using a multilayer printed-circuit board (PCB) with sep-
arate ground and power-supply planes, run high-speed
signals on lines directly above the ground plane. Since
the MAX5898 has separate analog and digital sections,
the PCB should include separate analog and digital
Figure 17. DC-Coupled Differential Output Configuration