Rev. 1.00
May 17, 2007
Input/Output Ports
There are 12 bidirectional input/output lines in the
microcontroller, labeled from PA to PB, which are
mapped to the data memory of [12H], [14H] respec-
tively. All of these I/O ports can be used for input and
output operations. For input operation, these ports are
non-latching, that is, the inputs must be ready at the T2
rising edge of instruction MOV A, [m] (m=12H, 14H).
For output operation, all the data is latched and remains
unchanged until the output latch is rewritten.
Each I/O line has its own control register (PAC, PBC) to
control the input/output configuration. With this control
register, CMOS output or Schmitt trigger input with or
without pull-high resistor structures can be reconfigured
dynamically under software control. To function as an in-
put, the corresponding latch of the control register must
write 1 . The input source also depends on the control
register. If the control register bit is 1 , the input will
read the pad state. If the control register bit is 0 , the
contents of the latches will move to the internal bus. The
latter is possible in the read-modify-write instruction.
For output function, CMOS is the only configuration.
These control registers are mapped to locations 13Hm
levels or floating state (dependent on pull-high options).
Each bit of these input/output latches can be set or
clearedby SET[m].i and CLR[m].i (m=12H,14H)in-
Some instructions first input data and then follow the
output operations. For example,
SET [m].i ,
[m].i , CPL [m] , CPLA[m] read the entire port states
into the CPU, execute the defined operations
(bit-operation), and then write the results back to the
latches or the accumulator.
Each line of port A has the capability of waking-up the
device. The wake-up capability of port A is determined
by options. There is a pull-high option available for all
I/O lines. Once the pull-high option is selected, all I/O
lines have pull-high resistors. Otherwise, the pull-high
resistors are absent. It should be noted that a
non-pull-high I/O line operating in input mode will cause
a floating state.
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Input/Output Ports