Page 151
Rev. 09/01/99
WDT Operation
When enabled, the Watch Dog Timer (WDT)
circuit will generate a system reset if the user
program fails to reload the watchdog timer
(WDT) within a specified length of time known as
the ‘watchdog interval’.
The WDT consists of an 8-bit timer (WDT) with a
9-bit prescaler. The prescaler is fed with 32 KHz
which always runs, even if the 8051 is in SLEEP
state. The 8 bit WDT timer is decremented
(1/32KHz) *512 seconds or 16.0 ms. Thus, the
watchdog interval is programmable between
16ms and 4.08 seconds on 16ms intervals.
WDT Action
If the 8 bit timer (WDT) underflows, a VCC1
POR is generated
8051 in Idle Mode - WDT will be active if
enabled. When the WDT timer underflows in idle
mode, the 8051 will be reset. It is up to the
firmware engineer to design code that uses a
timer to generate an interrupt that will exit idle
mode and re-initialize the WDT timer and then
put the 8051 back into idle mode.
8051 in Sleep Mode - If enabled, the WDT is
active since it is running off of the 32 KHz clock.
Therefore, if the WDT is enabled the 8051
should never remain in the SLEEP state for
more than 4 seconds.
WDT Activation
Upon VCC1 POR the Watch Dog Timer powers
up inactive. The Watch Dog Timer is activated
when the WDT enable bit (WDT CONTROL bit
D1) is set by 8051 firmware. The WDT may be
disabled under software control through a
specific sequence. Software can clear the SDT
enable bit by :
1) Setting the WLE-WDT Load enable bit in
the WDT Control/Status Register
2) Writing 00h to the WDT Timer Register (this
WLE_WDT Load Enable bits to each reset
to 0).
Once the WDT has been activated, this
sequence must be executed in order to disable
watchdog operation via software control. Note:
Since a VCC1 POR will reset the WDT enable
bit, the WDT must be re-enabled after each
WDT Reset Mechanism
The watchdog timer (WDT) must be reloaded
within periods that are shorter than the
programmed watchdog interval; otherwise the
WDT will underflow and a VCC1 POR will be
generated. It is the responsibility of the user
program to continually execute sections of code
which reload the 8 bit timer (WDT).
The WDT is reloaded in two stages in order to
prevent erroneous software from reloading the
watchdog. First WDT CONTROL bit D0 (WLE-
WDT Load Enable) must be set. Then the WDT
may be loaded. When the WDT is loaded WLE
is automatically reset. WDT can not be loaded
when WLE is reset. Since the WDT timer is a
down counter , a reload value of 01h results in
the minimum WDT interval (16ms) and a reload
value of 0FFh results in the maximum WDT
interval (4.08 seconds). Loading 00h into the
WDT disables the WDT and clears the WDT
Enable bit. Note, the 9 bit prescaler is initialized
whenever the WDT timer is loaded.