sume 9.0 mW. The CS5521/23 typically consume
6.0 mW. The low-power mode is an alternate mode
in the CS5522/24/28 that reduces the consumed
power to 5.5 mW. It is entered by setting bit D8
(the low-power mode bit) in the configuration reg-
ister to logic 1. Slightly degraded noise or linearity
performance should be expected in the low-power
mode. Note that the XIN clock should not exceed
130 kHz in low-power mode. The final two modes
accommodated in all devices are referred to as the
power save modes. They power down most of the
analog portion of the chip and stop filter convolu-
tions. The power-save modes are entered whenever
the PS/R bit of the configuration register is set to
logic 1. The particular power-save mode entered
depends on state of bit D11 (PSS, the Power Save
Select bit) in the configuration register. If PSS is
logic 0, the converters enters the standby mode re-
ducing the power consumption to 1.2 mW. If the
PSS bit (bit D11) is set to logic zero, the PD bit (bit
D10) must be set to one. The standby mode leaves
the oscillator and the on-chip bias generator run-
ning. This allows the converter to quickly return to
the normal or low-power mode once the PS/R bit is
set back to a logic 0. If PSS and PS/R in the config-
uration register are set to logic 1, the sleep mode is
entered reducing the consumed power to around
μW. Since the sleep mode disables the oscilla-
tor, a 500 ms oscillator start-up delay period is re-
quired before returning to the normal or low-power
mode. Charge Pump Disable
The pump disable (PD) bit permits the user to turn
off the charge pump drive thus enabling the user to
reduce the radiation of digital interference from the
CPD pin when the charge pump is not being used. Reset System Control Bits
The reset system (RS) bit permits the user to per-
form a system reset. A system reset can be initiated
at any time by writing a logic 1 to the RS bit in the
configuration register. After a system reset cycle is
complete, the reset valid (RV) bit is set indicating
that the internal logic was properly reset. The RV
remains set until the configuration register is read.
Note that the user must write a logic 0 to the RS bit
to take the part out of the reset mode. No other bits
in the configuration register can be written at this
time. A subsequent write to the configuration reg-
ister is necessary to write to any other bits in this
register. Once reset, the on-chip registers are ini-
tialized to the following states. Data Conversion Error Flags
The oscillation detect (OD) and overflow (OF) bits
in the configuration register are flag bits used to in-
dicate that the ADC performed a conversion on an
input signal that was not within the conversion
range of the ADC. For convenience, the OD and
OF bits are also in the data conversion word of the
The OF bit is set to logic 1 when the input signal is:
1) more positive than full scale
2) more negative than zero in unipolar mode, or
3) more negative than negative full scale in bipo-
lar mode.
The OF flag is cleared to logic 0 when a conversion
occurs which is not out of range.
The OD bit is set to logic 1 any time that an oscil-
latory condition is detected in the modulator. This
does not occur under normal operating conditions,
but may occur when the input is extremely over-
ranged. The OD flag will be cleared to logic 0 when
the modulator becomes stable.
configuration register:
offset registers:
gain registers:
channel setup registers: