Rev. B | Page 14 of 36
After passing through the half-band filter stages, the IQ data
streams are fed to a cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) filter. This
filter is configured as an interpolating filter, which allows
further upsampling rates of 3 or 4. The CIC filter, like the half-
bands, has a built-in low-pass characteristic. Again, this
provides for suppression of the spectral images produced by the
upsampling process.
The digital quadrature modulator stage following the CIC filters
is used to frequency shift (upconvert) the baseband spectrum of
the incoming data stream up to the desired carrier frequency.
The carrier frequency is controlled numerically by a direct
digital synthesizer (DDS). The DDS uses the internal system
clock (fSYSCLK) to generate the desired carrier frequency with a
high degree of precision. The carrier is applied to the I and Q
multipliers in quadrature fashion (90° phase offset) and
summed to yield a data stream that is the modulated carrier.
It should be noted at this point that the incoming data has been
converted from an input sample rate of fMCLK to an output
sample rate of fSYSCLK (see Figure 15). The modulated carrier becomes the 12-bit samples sent to the DAC.
Single-Tone Output Transmit Operation
The AD9877 can be configured for frequency synthesis
applications by writing the single-tone bit true. In single-tone
mode, the AD9877 disengages the modulator and preceding
data path logic to output a spectrally pure single-frequency sine
wave. The AD9877 provides for a 26-bit frequency tuning word,
which results in a tuning resolution of 3.2 Hz at a fSYSCLK rate of
216 MHz. A good rule when using the AD9877 as a frequency
synthesizer is to limit the fundamental output frequency to 30%
of fSYSCLK. This avoids generating aliases too close to the desired
fundamental output frequency, thus minimizing the cost of
filtering the aliases.
Frequency hopping via the profile inputs and associated tuning
word is also supported in single-tone mode, which allows
frequency shift keying (FSK) modulation.
OSCIN Clock Multiplier
As mentioned earlier, the output data is sampled at the rate of
fSYSCLK. The AD9877 has a built-in programmable clock
multiplier and an oscillator circuit. This allows the use of a
relatively low frequency, and therefore less expensive, crystal or
oscillator to generate the OSCIN signal. The low frequency
OSCIN signal can then be multiplied in frequency by an integer
factor of between 1 and 31, inclusive, to become the fSYSCLK clock.
For DDS applications, the carrier is typically limited to about
30% of fSYSCLK. For a 65 MHz carrier, the system clock required is
above 216 MHz.
The OSCIN multiplier function maintains clock integrity, as
evidenced by the excellent phase noise characteristics and low
clock-related spur in the output spectrum of the AD9877.
External loop filter components consisting of a series resistor
(1.3 kΩ) and capacitor (0.01 μF) provide the compensation zero
for the OSCIN multiplier PLL loop. The overall loop
performance has been optimized for these component values.
Receive Section
The AD9877 includes three high speed, high performance
ADCs. Two matched 8-bit ADCs are optimized for analog IQ
demodulated signals and can be sampled at rates up to
16.5 MSPS. A direct IF 12-bit ADC can sample signals at rates
up to 33 MSPS.
The ADC sampling frequency can be derived directly from the
OSCIN signal or from the on-chip OSCIN multiplier. For
highest dynamic performance, it is recommended to choose an
OSCIN frequency that can be directly used as the ADC
sampling clock. Digital 8-bit ADC outputs are multiplexed to
one 4-bit bus, clocked by the master clock (MCLK). The 12-bit
ADC uses a nonmultiplexed 12-bit interface with an output
data rate of half the fMCLK frequency.
The internal oscillator of the AD9877 generates all sampling
clocks from a simple, low cost, parallel resonance, fundamental
frequency quartz crystal.
Figure 16 shows how the quartz
crystal is connected between OSCIN (Pin 61) and XTAL
(Pin 60) with parallel resonant load capacitors as specified by
the crystal manufacturer. The internal oscillator circuitry can
also be overdriven by a clock applied to OSCIN with XTAL left
An internal phase-locked loop (PLL) generates the DAC
sampling frequency, fSYSCLK, by multiplying OSCIN frequency M
times. The MCLK signal (Pin 23), fMCLK, is derived by dividing
this PLL output frequency by N (Register Address 0x01).
An external PLL loop filter (Pin 57) consisting of a series
resistor and ceramic capacitor (
Figure 16, R1 = 1.3 kΩ, C12 =
0.01 μF) is required for stability of the PLL. Also, a shield
surrounding these components is recommended to minimize
external noise coupling into the PLL’s voltage-controlled
oscillator input (guard trace connected to AVDDPLL).
Figure 15 shows that ADCs are either sampled directly by a low
jitter clock at OSCIN or by a clock that is derived from the PLL
output. Operating modes can be selected in Register 0x08.
Sampling the ADCs directly with the OSCIN clock requires
MCLK to be programmed at twice the OSCIN frequency.