REV. 1.0.1
NOTE: The Transmitter Line Side uses a 2:1 transformer.
4. If the measured signal is absent, there is either an open or short on the board.
5. A 1MHz signal applied to the Line Side TTIP pin should appear unattenuated on the Line Side TRING pin if
there is no open. This could also be indicitive of a short.
6. A 1MHz signal applied to the ATP_TIP pin should appear unattenuated on the ATP_RING pin if the line side
TTIP/TRING are appropriately terminated and there is no open. This could also be indicative of a short.
Receiver RTIP and RRING
Each channel of the device can be tested from the line side by doing the following, using the TMS and TCK as
describe above:
1. Apply a differential 2Vpp, 1MHz signal to the Rx Line Side channel TIP and RING pins.
2. Measure the signal at the device ATP_TIP and ATP_RING pins.
3. If the voltaged measured on the ATP_TTIP ATP_TRING pins is 2Vpp±20%, your assembly is correct.
NOTE: The Receiverr Line Side uses a 1:1 transformer.
4. If the measured signal is absent, there is either an open or short on the board.
5. A 1 MHZ or 1kHZ signal applied to the Line Side RTIP pin should appear attenuated on the Line Side
RRING pin if there is no open. This could also be indicative of a short.
6. A 1kHZ signal applied to the ATP_TIP pin should appear slightly attenuated on the ATP_RING pin if the line
side RTIP/RRING are appropriately terminated and there is no open. This could also be indicitive of a short.
The Receiver Device Side transformer is center tapped and capacitively connected to ground which would
cause a 1MHz signal to be severely attenuated.