Control Registers, Page 9: DAC Programmable Coefficients RAM Buffer A (65:127)
Default values shown for this page only become valid 100 ms following a hardware or software reset.
Table 6-7. Page 9 / Register 0 (0x00): Page Control Register
0000 0000
0000 0000: Page 0 selected
0000 0001: Page 1 selected
1111 1110: Page 254 selected
1111 1111: Page 255 selected
The remaining page-9 registers are either reserved registers or are used for setting coefficients for the
various filters in the TLV320AIC3111. Reserved registers should not be written to.
The filter coefficient registers are arranged in pairs, with two adjacent 8-bit registers containing the 16-bit
coefficient for a single filter. The 16-bit integer contained in the MSB and LSB registers for a coefficient
are interpreted as a 2s-complement integer, with possible values ranging from –32,768 to 32,767. When
programming any coefficient value for a filter, the MSB register should always be written first, immediately
followed by the LSB register. Even if only the MSB or LSB portion of the coefficient changes, both
registers should be written in this sequence.
Table 6-8 is a list of the page-9 registers, excepting the
previously described register 0.
Table 6-8. Page 9 Registers
1 (0x01)
Reserved. Do not write to this register.
Coefficient N0(15:8) for DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C65(15:8) of DAC
2 (0x02)
0111 1111
miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient N0(7:0) for DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C65(7:0) of DAC
3 (0x03)
1111 1111
miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient N1(15:8) for DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C66(15:8) of DAC
4 (0x04)
0000 0000
miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient N1(7:0) for DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C66(7:0) of DAC
5 (0x05)
0000 0000
miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient D1(15:8) for DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C67(15:8) of DAC
6 (0x06)
0000 0000
miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient D1(7:0) for DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C67(7:0) of DAC
7 (0x07)
0000 0000
miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient N0(15:8) for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C68(15:8) of
8 (0x08)
0111 1111
DAC miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient N0(7:0) for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C68(7:0) of DAC
9 (0x09)
1111 1111
miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient N1(15:8) for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C69(15:8) of
10 (0x0A)
0000 0000
DAC miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient N1(7:0) for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C69(7:0) of DAC
11 (0x0B)
0000 0000
miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient D1(15:8) for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C70(15:8) of
12 (0x0C)
0000 0000
DAC miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient D1(7:0) for right DAC-programmable first-order IIR or coefficient C70(7:0) of DAC
13 (0x0D)
0000 0000
miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient N0(15:8) for DRC first-order high-pass filter or coefficient C71(15:8) of DAC
14 (0x0E)
0111 1111
miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Coefficient N0(7:0) for DRC first-order high-pass filter or coefficient C71(7:0) of DAC miniDSP
15 (0x0F)
1111 0111
(DAC buffer A)
Coefficient N1(15:8) for DRC first-order high-pass filter or coefficient C72(15:8) of DAC
16 (0x10)
1000 0000
miniDSP (DAC buffer A)
Copyright 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated