56F8013/56F8011 Data Sheet, Rev. 11
Freescale Semiconductor
6.7 Clocks
The memory, peripheral and core clocks all operate at the same frequency (32MHz max) with the
exception of the Quad Timer and PWM peripheral clocks, which have the option (using TCR and PCR) to
operate three times faster. The SIM is responsible for stalling individual clocks as a response to various
hold-off requests, low power modes, and other configuration parameters. The SIM has access to the
following signals from the OCCS module:
While the SIM generates the ADC peripheral clock in the same way it generates all other peripheral clocks,
the ADC standby and conversion clocks are generated by a direct interface between the ADC and the
OCCS module.
Figure 6-16 illustrates clock relationships to one another and to the various resets as the device comes out
of reset. RST is assumed to be the logical AND of all active-low system resets (for example, POR, external
reset, COP and Software reset). In the 56F8013/56F8011 architecture, this signal will be stretched by the
SIM for a period of time (up to 96 MSTR_OSC clock cycles, depending upon the status of the POR) to
create the clock generation reset signal (CLKGEN_RST). The SIM should deassert CLKGEN_RST
synchronously with the negative edge of OSC_CLK in order to avoid skew problems. CLKGEN_RST is
delayed 32 SYS_CLK cycles to create the peripheral reset signal (PERIP_RST). PERIP_RST is then
delayed by 32 SYS_CLK cycles to create CORE_RST. Both PERIP_RST and CORE_RST should be
released on the negative edge of SYS_CLK_D as shown. This phased releasing of system resets is
necessary to give some peripherals (for example, the Flash interface unit) set-up time prior to the 56800E
core becoming active.
This comes from the input clock source mux of the OCCS. It is the output of the
relaxation oscillator or the external clock source, depending on PRECS. It is not
guaranteed to be at 50% duty cycle (+ or - 10% can probably be assumed for design
purposes). This clock runs continuously, even during resetm and is used for reset
The PLL multiplies the MSTR_OSC by 24, to a maximum of 192MHz. The ZSRC
field in OCCS selects the active source to be the PLL. This is divided by 2 and
postscaled to produce this maximum 96MHz clock. It is used without further division
to produce the high-speed (3x system bus rate) variants of the Quad Timer and PWM
peripheral clocks. This clock is disabled when ZSRC is selecting MSTR_OSC.
The PLL can multiply the MSTR_OSC by 24, to a maximum of 192MHz. When the
PLL is selected by the OCCS ZSRC field, the PLL is divided by three and postscaled
to produce this maximum 64MHz clock. When MSTR_OSC is selected by the OCCS
ZSRC field, MSTR_OSC feeds SYS_CLK_x2 directly. The SIM takes this clock and
divides it by two to generate all the normal (1x system bus rate) peripheral and system