Appendix 4-3
Appendix 4
Rev.1.10 REJ09B0123-0110 Apr.06.07
32192/32195/32196 Group Hardware Manual
Appendix 4.2 Notes on Address Space
Virtual flash emulation function
The microcomputer has the function to map 8-Kbyte memory blocks of the internal RAM (maximum for 32192 is
16 blocks, for 32195 is 4 blocks, for 32196 is 8 blocks) into areas (L banks) of the internal flash memory that are
divided in 8-Kbyte units. This functions is referred to as the Virtual Flash Emulation Function.
This function allows the data located in 8-Kbyte blocks of the internal RAM to be changed with the contents of
internal flash memory at the addresses specified by the Virtual Flash L Bank Register. That way, the relevant
RAM data can read out by reading the content of internal flash memory. For details about this function, see
Section 6.7, "Virtual Flash Emulation Function."
Dummy access area
Address H'0080 0600 to H'0080 0603 are dummy areas.
When there is access to these areas, writing value is disabled and reading value is undefinited.
In addition, it does not effect on the other SFR area by writing and reading out operation to dummy access area.
Appendix 4.3 Notes on EIT
The Address Exception (AE) requires caution because if one of the instructions that use “register indirect + register
update” addressing mode (following three) generates an address exception when it is executed, the values of the
registers to be automatically updated (Rsrc and Rsrc2) become undefined.
Except that the values of Rsrc and Rsrc2 become undefined, these instructions behave the same way as when used
in other addressing modes.
Applicable instructions
LD Rdest, @Rsrc+
ST Rsrc1, @-Rsrc2
ST Rsrc1, @+Rsrc2
If the above case applies, consider the fact that the register values become undefined when you design the processing to
be performed after executing said instructions. (If an address exception occurs, it means that the system has some fatal
fault already existing in it. Therefore, address exceptions must be used on condition that control will not be returned from
the address exception handler to the program that was being executed when the exception occurred.)
Appendix 4.4 Notes on the Internal RAM
Precautions about the Internal Memory is shown below.
The writes from DRI,RTD to internal RAM uncompete with access from other bus masters (CPU, DMA, NBD,
SDI), because of using dedicated bus not M32R-FPU.
But in case DRI,RTD transfers and access from other bus masters for area in 16-Kbyte of internal RAM occur at
same time, access competition occurs.
When access competition occurs, arbitration is performed according to the following priority.
When started by boot mode, internal RAM value is indefinite after started by boot mode in order to "Flash
writing/erasing program" is transferred to internal RAM.
Appendix 4.2 Notes on Address Space