Rev. 1.00
June 29, 2001
The audio output
The HTG2190 series provide a 12-bits current
type DAC devices for driving an external 8
speaker through an external NPN transistor.
The programmer must write the voice data to
the register DAL (30H) and DAH (31H). Only
12 bits which include the high nibble of DAL
and the whole byte of DAH are used. The cor-
rect procedure for DAC output as shown below,
first, and then the DAH data is written.
There are 16 scales of volume controllable level
that are provided for the current type DAC out-
put. The programmer only writes the volume
control data to the VOLC register (32H). Only
the high nibble of VOLC are used. Note that
writing 0H to the high nibble of VOLC does not
denote mute output, this means there is still
leakage from AUD pin through external NPN
transistor, and also external 8
current. Only load 00h to DAH-DAL will turn
off DAC and prevent leakage.
speaker leak
1 =
< ) 2
1 =
< ) 2
1 =
4 2
& *
Mask option
The following shows many kinds of mask options in the HTG2190. All these option should be defined
on order to ensure proper system functioning.
Mask Option
WDT enable/disable selection.
WDT can be enable or disable by mask option.
Wake-up selection. This option defines the wake-up function activity.
External I/O pins (PA only) all have the capability to wake-up the chip from a HALT mode by
a following edge.
External interrupt input pin share with other function selection.
INT/SEG37: INT can be set as an external interrupt input pin or LCD segment output pin.
I/O pins share with other functions selection.
PB0/PWM1: PB0 can be set as I/O pin or positive audio PWM output pin.
PB4/SCLK: PB4 can be set as I/O pin or serial driving clock pin.
PB5/SOUT: PB5 can be set as I/O pin or serial data output pin.
PB6/TMR1/RTF: PB6 can be set as I/O pin, timer/event counter 1 input pin or resistor to fre-
quency input pin.
PB7/TMR0: PB7 can be set as I/O pin or timer/event counter 0 input pin.