NO. Interrupt Source Priority
Data ready
interrupt and
battery fail
timer interrupt
counter overflow
The programmable timer interrupt request flag
(T0F), timer/event counter interrupt request
flag (T1F), data ready interrupt and battery fail
interrupt request flag (E IF), enable timer/event
counter bit (E T1I), enable data ready interrupt
bit (E E I), and enable programmable timer in-
terrupt bit (E T0I) make up the register INTC
which is located at 0BH in the data memory.
The E E I, E T0I, E T1I, and E MI bits are all used
to control the enable/disable status of the inter-
rupts, preventing the requested interrupt from
being serviced. Once the interrupt request flags
(T0F, T1F, and E IF) are set, they will remain in
the INTC register until the interrupts are serv-
iced or cleared by a software instruction.
A “CALL subroutine” in the interrupt subrou-
tine should be used. This is because interrupts
often occur in an unpredictable manner or need
to be immediately serviced in some applica-
tions. During this time, if only one stack is left,
and enabling the interrupt is not well control-
led, the operation of a “CALL subroutine” in the
interrupt service routine is quite likely to upset
the original control sequence.
Oscillator configuration
The system core and the pager subsystem of the
HT9480 are clocked by different oscillators. The
system oscillator can be either a crystal or an
RC type. The subsystem low power oscillator, on
the other hand, is a crystal type which is de-
signed with the power on start-up function to
reduce the stabilization time of the oscillator.
This start-up function is enabled by PC2 which
is initially set high at power on reset, and
should be cleared so as to enable the low-power
oscillator function. The oscillator configuration
is running in the low power mode.
The system oscillator can be configured as
either an RC or crystal type of oscillator, deter-
mined by mask option. No matter what kind of
oscillator type is selected, the signal provides a
system clock. The system clock may also be
externally connected. The HALT mode stops
the system oscillator and ignores external sig-
nals to conserve power.
If the system oscillator is an RC type oscillator,
an external resistor between OSC1 and OSC2 is
required. The system clock is available on
OSC2, which can be used to synchronize exter-
nal logic. An RC oscillator provides the most
cost-effective solution. The frequency of oscilla-
tion may vary with power, temperature, and the
chip itself due to process variations. The RC
oscillator is, therefore, not suitable for timing
sensitive operations where an accurate oscilla-
tor frequency is desired.
On the other hand, if a crystal type oscillator is
used, a crystal across OSC1 and OSC2 is re-
quired to provide the feedback and phase shift
for oscillation, and no other external compo-
nents are required. A ceramic resonator can
replace the crystal connected between OSC1
and OSC2 to derive a frequency reference. In
this case, two external capacitors at OSC1 and
OSC2 are required.
Low power oscillator
23th Feb ’98