Semtech 2006
The XE8000 chips have three operating modes. There is the normal, the low current and the very low current
modes (see Figure 5-1). The different modes are controlled by the reset and clock blocks (see the documentation
of the respective blocks).
Operating mode
All bits are reset in the design when a POR (power-on-reset) is active.
RC is enabled, Xtal is disabled and the CPU is reset (pmaddr = 0000).
If Port A is used to return from the sleep mode, all bits with resetcold don’t change (see sleep mode).
All bits with resetsystem and resetpconf (if enabled) are reset. Clock configuration doesn’t change except cpuck.
The CPU is reset.
Active mode
This is the mode where the CPU and all peripherals can work and execute the embedded software.
Standby mode
Executing a HALT instruction moves the XE8805 into the Standby mode. The CPU is stopped, but the clocks
remain active. Therefore, the enabled peripherals remain active e.g. for time keeping. A reset or an interrupt/event
request (if enabled) cancels the standby mode.
Sleep mode
This is a very low-power mode because all circuit clocks and all peripherals are stopped. Only some service blocks
remain active. No time-keeping is possible. Two instructions are necessary to move into sleep mode. First, the
SleepEn (sleep enable) bit in RegSysCtrl has to be set to 1. The sleep mode can then be activated by setting the
Sleep bit in RegSysReset to 1.
There are three possibe ways to wake-up from the sleep mode:
The por (power-on-reset caused by a power-down followed by power-on). The RAM information is lost.
The padreset
The Port A reset combination (if the Port A is present in the product). See Port A documentation for
more details.
If the Port A is used to return from the sleep mode, all bits with resetcold don’t change (RegSysCtrl,
RegSysReset (except bit sleep), EnExtClock and BiasRc in RegSysClock, RegSysRcTrim1 and
RegSysRcTrim2). The SleepFlag bit in RegSysReset, reads back a 1 if the circuit was in sleep mode
since the flag was last cleared (see reset block for more details).
For a lower power consumption, disable the BiasRc bit in RegSysClock before to going to sleep mode.
The start-up time of the oscillator will then be longer however.
It is recommended to insert a NOP instruction after the instruction that sets the circuit in sleep mode
because this instruction can be executed when the sleep mode is left using the resetfromportA.