REV. 1.0, JUL. 13, 2000
Transmit packet assembly format in the packet
For the 16 bit SRAM interface :
Descriptor Byte 1
Descriptor Byte 0
Descriptor Byte 3
Descriptor Byte 2
Destination Address Byte 1
Destination Address Byte 0
Destination Address Byte 3
Destination Address Byte 2
Destination Address Byte 5
Destination Address Byte 4
Source Address Byte 1
Source Address Byte 0
Source Address Byte 3
Source Address Byte 2
Source Address Byte 5
Source Address Byte 4
Type/Length byte 1
Type/Length byte 0
Data byte 1
Data byte 0
For the 8 bit SRAM interface :
Descriptor Byte 0
Descriptor Byte 1
Descriptor Byte 2
Descriptor Byte 3
Destination Address Byte 0
Destination Address Byte 1
Destination Address Byte 2
Destination Address Byte 3
Destination Address Byte 4
Destination Address Byte 5
Source Address Byte 0
Source Address Byte 1
Source Address Byte 2
Source Address Byte 3
Source Address Byte 4
Source Address Byte 5
Type/Length byte 0
Type/Length byte 1
Data byte 0
Multiple packets transmission ( TX local DMA
mode only )
If more packets are prepared in the packet memory and
all transmit descriptors are set properly ( i.e. next packet
page pointer, packet length, OWN bit = 1, etc), then a
TX DMA poll command can be used to send out all these
packets at once. As soon as the first packet transmis-
sion is done, an interrupt will be asserted to get the host
attention. The device driver can serve this interrupt by
processing all the packets that have the OWN bit set to
zero in this multiple packets list in the packet memory.
The device driver can "peek" the OWN bit of the next
packet's descriptor to see if there are more packet(s)
transmitted completely at that point. If the OWN bit of
the next packet's descriptor is zero, then the device driver
can proceed to the next packet after finishing the cur-
rent packet. When all packets are transmitted success-
fully or aborted, register 00h. ST1 and ST0 bits are inter-
nally reset. This way, packets can be sent out in a burst
with a single transmit command.
The IORD port and the IORDP page pointer together
can be used to access all the previous packet transmis-
sion status. Since the IORD port will read data from the
packet memory, the SRDY pin must be used for pos-
sible wait states caused by the packet memory's arbi-
tration. If the system application does not support the
SRDY pin, then register 3A.1 ( STIORD/RRDYB ) can
be used to read data from the IORD port in a handshake