REV. 1.0, JUL. 13, 2000
For a successful transmission, an interrupt is caused
by the interrupt register bit TI ( bit 2 of register 09h ) of
the interrupt register IR, provided that the correspond-
ing enable bit TIM ( bit 2 of register 08h ) of the interrupt
enable register IMR is set. In case that an error occurred
during the transmission, the interrupt register bit TEI will
be set instead of TI. The register 09h bit 4 ( TEIM ) is
the interrupt enable bit for TEI. Set TEIM will enable the
TEI interrupt. The transmission error can be read from
register 04h ( the LTPS register ) which records the trans-
mit status of the last packet transmitted. If bit 7 ( TERR
) of register 04h is set, then TEI will be set as well. TERR
is a logical OR of the underrun error( UF bit ), the out-of-
window collision error ( OWC bit ), the carrier lost error (
CRSLOST bit ) and the excessive collision error (
CC[3:0]=1111 and TEI = 1).
Collision recovery
During transmission, if a collision is detected before the
first 64 bytes of the the packet has been transmitted,
the FIFO will restore the necessary FIFO pointers to
retransmit the same packet without fetching the trans-
mitted data from the packet memory. An out-of-window
collision is a collision occured after 64 bytes of data
transmitted. If the out-of-window collision occurred, the
packet will be aborted with an interrupt asserted. The
OWC bit of the transmit descriptor is set and the device
driver needs to resolve such a situation and reissue a
transmit command so that GMAC can fetch the entire
packet from the packet memory again for retransmis-
The collision count will be recorded for the current packet
in register 04h.CC[3:0] bits. If all 15 retransmissions
result in collisions, the transmission is aborted and the
collision count CC[3:0]=1111 and an interrupt will be as-
serted and the TEI interrupt bit is set to indicate such an
excessive collision error. If the TI interrupt bit is set,
then the packet is successfully transmitted with the col-
lision count=CC[3:0].
After a single packet transmission
When a packet(s) transmission is completed, register
00h.ST1 and ST0 are both cleared to 0 automatically by
GMAC. Whenever the first packet is sent out, an inter-
rupt is asserted for the host attention. The device driver
can process this packet's status. In the TX local DMA
mode, the first thing to check is making sure the OWN
bit in the status field bit 7 is 0, which indicates that GMAC
has completed the transmission of this packet and the
status is valid. Or in the direct FIFO mode, check ST1
and ST0 for both 0, which indicates completion of the
previous transmission. At this point, the device driver
can proceed with the transmit status ( on the register or
in the descriptor ) and other book keeping tasks. If host
system does not support SRDY pin, the following flow
chart provides a way to fetch transmit status of any
transmitted packet in the packet memory in TX DMA
mode. This is useful when multiple packets are trans-
mitted in a single command and multiple transmit status
needed to be checked.
Write starting page address to IORDP
Write "1" to STIORD/ RRDYB
Read back Data from IORD (4C-4F)