Revision 8.0 - 28 November 2001 : MCM20027
neared completion, @ T=3, the Reset Gate closes (Off).
The charge off the well capacitance of Photodiode 1 is
then transfered to the Shared Floating Diffusion Gate
@ T=4 when Transfer Gate 1 opens (On). Also @T=4
the Shared Diffusion gate and the Row Select gate
opens (On). This action causes charge from the floating
diffusion to be read out as a Voltage value for that pixel
on Row 1. @T=5 the Row Select gate and the Floating
diffusion close (Off) while the Reset gate opens (On).
This is occurs in preparation of readout of Row 2.
When the integration (charging) of Photodiode 2 has
neared completion, the Reset Gate closes (Off) again.
The charge off the Well Capacitance of Photodiode 2 is
then transfered to the Shared Floating Diffusion Gate
@ T=6 when Transfer Gate 2 opens (On) and then the
same readout procedure as before occurs.
The nominal photoresponse of the MCM20027 is shown
Figure 3
Figure 3. MCM20027 Nominal spectral response
In addition to the imaging pixels, there are additional
pixels called dark and dummy pixels at the periphery of
the imaging section (see
Figure 2
). The dark pixels are
covered by a light blocking shield rendering the pixels
underneath insensitive to photons. These pixels provide
the sensor means to measure the dark level offset
which is used downstream in the signal processing
chain to perform auto black level calibration. The dum-
my pixels are provided at the array’s periphery to elimi-
nate inexact measurements due to light piping into the
dark pixels adjacent to active pixels. The output of these
pixels should be discarded.
Electronic shuttering, also known as electronic expo-
sure timing in photographic terms, is a standard feature.
The pixel integration time can be widely varied from a
small fraction of a given frame readout time to the entire
frame time.
2.2 Color Separation and Fill Factor Enhancement
The MCM20027 family is offered with the option of
monolithic polymer color filter arrays (CFAs). The com-
bination of an extremely planarized process and propri-
atary color filter technology result in CFAs with superior
spectral and transmission properties. The standard op-
tion is a primary (RGB) “Bayer” pattern (see
Figure 4
however, facility to produce customized CFAs including
complementary (CMYG) mosaics also exists.
Applications requiring higher sensitivity can benefit from
the optional micro-lens arrays shown in
Figure 5
. The
lenslet arrays can improve the fill factor (aperture ratio)
of the sensor by 1.5-2x depending on the F number of
the main lens used in the camera system. Microlenses
yield greatest benefits when the main lens has a high F
number. As a caution, telecentric optical design is a re-
quirement due to the limited optical acceptance angle of
the lenslit. The optical acceptance angle is approxi-
mately 15 degrees (see figure 5a). Due to the lenslits
being placed in the same area/position over all the pho-
todiodes on the sensor, hence, care should be taken
when taking into consideration the telecentric design for
especially the outermost pixels.The fill factor of the pix-
els without microlenses is 32%. With Microlens the fill
factor improves to approximately 45% to 50%.
R G B S R F , 4 0 0 t o 1 1 0 0 n m
- 0 .1
0 .1
0 .2
0 .3
0 .4
0 .5
0 .6
0 .7
0 .8
0 .9
4 0 0
5 0 0
6 0 0
7 0 0
8 0 0
9 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
W a v e le n g t h , n m
R E D P ix e ls
G r e e n - B P ix e ls
G r e e n - B P ix e ls
B lu e P ix e ls