32192/32195/32196 Group Hardware Manual
Rev.1.10 REJ09B0123-0110 Apr.06.07
21.4.3 DR Path Sequence
Data inspection or setting is performed for the data register selected in the IR path sequence prior to the DR
path sequence. The DR path sequence is performed following the procedure described below.
(1) From the Run-Test/Idle state, apply JTMS = "H" for a period of 1 JTCK cycle to enter the Select-DR-Scan
state. Which data register will be selected at this time depends on the instruction that was set during the
IR path sequence performed prior to the DR path sequence.
(2) Apply JTMS = "L" to enter the Capture-DR state. At this time, the result of boundary-scan test or the fixed
data defined for each register is set in the data register’s shift register stage.
(3) Proceed and apply JTMS = "L" to enter the Shift-DR state. In the Shift-DR state, the DR value is shifted
right one bit every cycle, and the data that was set in (2) is serially output from the JTDO pin. At the same
time, setup data is set in the data register’s shift register stage bit by bit as it is serially fed from the JTDI
pin. By continuing the Shift-IR state as long as the number of bits that comprise the selected data register
(by applying JTMS = "L"), all bits of data can be set in and read out from the shift register stage. To stop
the shift operation in the middle of the execution, enter the Pause-DR state via the Exit1-DR state (by
setting JTMS input from "H" to "L"). To return from the Pause-DR state, enter the Shift-DR state via the
Exit2-DR state (by setting JTMS input from "H" to "L").
(4) Apply JTMS = "H" to move from the Shift-DR state to the Exit1-DR state. This completes the shift operation.
(5) Proceed and apply JTMS = "H" to enter the Update-DR state. In the Update-DR state, the data that was
set in the data register’s shift register stage is transferred to the parallel output stage, and the setup data
is thereby made ready for use.
(6) Proceed and apply JTMS = "H" to enter the Select-DR-Scan state or JTMS = "L" to enter the Run-Test/Idle state.
21.4 Basic Operation of JTAG
Figure 21.4.4 DR Path Sequence
Don't Care
LSB value
MSB value
High impedance
Note: Because all bits in the data register's shift register stage also are shifted right, data is output from JTDO
beginning with the LSB. Similarly, data is supplied to JTDI beginning with the LSB.
Finished storing setup data in
the selected data register's
shift register stage.
Setup data is set in the parallel output stage
at fall of JTCK in the Update-DR state.
JTDI input is sampled at rise of
JTCK in the Shift-DR state.
JTDO is output at fall of
JTCK in the Shift-DR state.