Doc ID 16363 Rev 2
Voltage regulators
The L99PM62XP contains 2 independent and fully protected low drop voltage regulators,
which are designed for very fast transient response and don’t require electrolytic output
capacitors for stability.
The output voltage is stable with ceramic load capacitors > 220 nF.
Voltage regulator: V1
The V1 voltage regulator provides 5 V supply voltage and up to 250 mA continuous load
current and is mainly intended for supply of the system microcontroller. The V1 regulator is
embedded in the power management and fail-safe functionality of the device and operates
according to the selected operating mode.
It can be used to supply the internal HS CAN Transceiver via the CANSUP pin externally. In
case of a short circuit condition on the CAN bus, the output current of the transmitter is
limited to 100 mA and the transceiver is turned off in order to ensure continued supply of the
In addition the regulator V1 drives the L99PM62XP internal 5 V loads. The voltage regulator
is protected against overload and overtemperature. An external reverse current protection
has to be provided by the application circuitry to prevent the input capacitor from being
discharged by negative transients or low input voltage. The output voltage precision is better
than +/- 2% (incl. temperature drift and line-/load regulation) in active mode; respectively
+/- 3% during low current operation (i. e. in V1 standby mode). Current limitation of the
regulator ensures fast charge of external bypass capacitors. The output voltage is stable for
ceramic load capacitors > 220 nF.
If the device temperature exceeds the TSD1 threshold, all outputs (OUTx, RELx, V2, LIN) is
deactivated except V1. Hence the micro controller has the possibility for interaction or error
logging. In case of exceeding TSD2 threshold (TSD2>TSD1), also V1 is deactivated (see
regulator is deactivated for tTSD = 1sec. During this time, all other wakeup sources (CAN,
LIN, WU1 to3 and wake up of C by timer) are disabled. After 1 sec, the voltage regulator
tries to restart automatically. If the restart fails 7 times, within one minute, without clearing
and thermal shutdown condition still exists, the L99PM62XP enters the forced VBAT standby
In case of short to GND at “V1” after initial turn on (V1 < 2V for at least 4ms) the L99PM62XP
enters the forced VBAT standby Mode. Reactivation (wake-up) of the device can be achieved
Voltage regulator: V2
The voltage regulator V2 can supply additional 5 V loads (e.g. logic components or the
integrated HS CAN transceiver or external loads such as sensors or potentiometers). The