Data Sheet
January 1998
T7288 CEPT/E1 Line Interface
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Digital Logic
HDB3 Option
The T7288 device contains an HDB3 encoder and decoder (for single-rail mode only, i.e.,
/DR = 0) that can be
selected by setting the HDB3 pin. This allows the encoder to substitute a zero-substitution code for four consecu-
tive 0s detected in the data stream, as illustrated in Table 7. A V represents a violation of the HDB3 code, and a B
represents a bipolar pulse of correct polarity. The decoder detects the zero-substitution code and reinserts four 0s
in the data stream.
Case 1:
Preceding mark has a polarity opposite the polarity of the preceding violation and is not a violation itself.
Case 2:
Preceding mark has a polarity the same as the polarity of the preceding violation or is a violation itself.
Table 7. HDB3 Substitution Code
Blue Signal (AIS) Generators
There are two blue signal (AIS) generators in this device. One (RBC = 1) substitutes an all-1s signal on RDATA out-
put (
/DR = 0) or RPDATA and RNDATA (
/DR = 1) toward the terminal equipment. The other (TBC = 1) substi-
tutes a bipolar, all-1s signal for the bipolar data out of the transmit converter that can be used to keep line repeaters
Loopback Paths
The T7288 device has three independent loopback paths that are activated by clearing the respective control
, or
. Loopback 1 bridges the data stream from the transmit converter (transmit converter
included) to the input of the receive converter. This maintenance loop includes most of the internal circuitry.
Loopback 2 provides a loopback of data and recovered clock from the bipolar inputs (T1, R1) to the bipolar outputs
of the transmit converter (T2, R2). The receive front end, receive PLL, and transmit driver circuitry are all exercised.
The loop can be used to isolate failures between systems. TBC = 1 overrides this function.
Loopback 3 loops the data stream as in loopback 1 but bypasses the transmit and receive converters. The blue sig-
nal (AIS) can be transmitted to the line when in this loopback. Loopbacks 2 and 3 can be operated simultaneously
to provide transmission loops in both directions.
Current Pulses
With all other pins grounded, current pulses of maximum value and time widths are allowed on the T1/R1 and
T2/R2 pins without damaging the device, as shown in the table below. Also, to help ensure long-term reliability, the
average value of a current-pulse train is specified.
Table 8. Current Pulses
Case 1
Case 2
Before HDB3
After HDB3
T1, R1
T2, R2
Maximum Value
20 mA
200 mA
s to 1 s
s to 1 s
Average Value
6 mA
40 mA