1997 Feb 03
Philips Semiconductors
Product Specification
Memory card IC
PCF2042 V2
According to ISO 7816 Philips delivers the Memory Card
ICs initially programmed. Some of the first 32 byte of the
Main Memory area, e.g. the ATR header, have to be
programmed and write protected.
In addition to the Standard Order Entry Form the customer
fills in an extra form, the FabKey Order Entry Form. By this
the initial content of
the first 32 byte of the Main Memory area,
the Protection Memory and
the Security Memory (Reference Data)
is specified. This set of data is called the FabKey of the
Memory Card ICs, e.g. for the PCF2042 - 39 byte. The
Philips FabKey procedure controls the handling of the
FabKey specified by the customer.
Filling in the FabKey Order Entry Form
The FabKey Order Entry Form consists of two sections:
General section (customer name, arrangements,
FabKey verification) and
FabKey data table.
The second line of the FabKey Order Entry Form, field
Customer, asks for the name of the company. The
remaining fields of this line are intended for internal
handling and should be left blank.
Next some options can be selected:
Table 3
FabKey Order Entry Form
No. 1:
How to send the FabKey data to Philips. One of three transfer media can be selected.
No. 2:
Assignment of FabKey data to order quantities. The standard option is to specify one data set only (by file or
data table) that is applied to
all batches
, i.e. the ordered quantities. On customer demand each unit of
approximately 75.000 dies (one batch) can be programmed individually. For this the customer has to deliver a
sufficient number of data sets (by file), where each data file is valid for
1 diffusion batch only
. Option
n batches, n =
is a feature that gives the freedom to the customer for individual assignments of FabKey data.
For this the comment field should be used.
No. 3:
Structure of customer data file. Data files for the Memory Card ICs are
1 record
only. Option
more than
1 record
is reserved.
No. 4:
Encryption. For maximum security encryption via RSA may be selected. Two pairs of RSA-keys are needed for
data transfer.
Customer delivers FabKey via
q file: diskette
q file: data transfer
q FabKey data table
q 1 diffusion batch only
Data valid for
q n batches, n =
q all batches
q 1 record
Customer data file is
q more than 1 record
q yes
RSA key file name: