Two data address generators (DAGs) provide addresses for
simultaneous dual operand fetches from data memory and pro-
gram memory. Each DAG maintains and updates four address
pointers (I registers). Whenever the pointer is used to access
data (indirect addressing), it is post-modified by the value in
one of four modify (M) registers. A length value may be associ-
ated with each pointer (L registers) to implement automatic
modulo addressing for circular buffers. The circular buffering
feature is also used by the serial ports for automatic data trans-
fers to and from on-chip memory. DAG1 generates only data
memory addresses but provides an optional bit-reversal capabil-
ity. DAG2 may generate either program or data memory ad-
dresses, but has no bit-reversal capability.
Efficient data transfer is achieved with the use of five internal
Program Memory Address (PMA) Bus.
Program Memory Data (PMD) Bus.
Data Memory Address (DMA) Bus.
Data Memory Data (DMD) Bus.
Result (R) Bus.
Program memory can store both instructions and data, permit-
ting the ADMC401 to fetch two operands in a single cycle, one
from internal program memory and one from internal data
memory. The ADMC401 can fetch an operand from on-chip
program memory and the next instruction in the same cycle.
The ADMC401 writes data from its 16-bit registers to the 24-
bit program memory using the PX register to provide the lower
eight bits. When it reads data (not instructions) from 24-bit
program memory to a 16-bit data register, the lower eight bits
are placed in the PX register.
The ADMC401 can respond to a number of distinct DSP core
and peripheral interrupts. The DSP core interrupts include
serial port receive and transmit interrupts, timer interrupts,
software interrupts and external interrupts. In addition, there is
a master
signal. The motor control peripherals also
produce interrupts to the DSP core.
The two serial ports (SPORTs) provide a complete synchronous
serial interface with optional companding in hardware and a
wide variety of framed and unframed data transmit and receive
modes of operation. Each SPORT can generate an internal
programmable serial clock or accept an external serial clock.
Boot loading of both the program and data memory RAM of the
ADMC401 can be through the serial port SPORT1. Alterna-
tively the ADMC401 can be boot loaded from an external byte-
wide memory connected to the external address and data buses.
After reset, seven wait states are automatically generated. This
permits, for example, a 38.5 ns ADMC401 to use an external
250 ns EPROM as boot memory. The internal boot address
generator provides the addresses for booting from an external
byte-wide memory.
A programmable interval counter is also included in the DSP
core and can be used to generate periodic interrupts. A 16-bit
count register (TCOUNT) is decremented every
cycles, where
is a scaling value stored in the 8-bit TSCALE
register. When the value of the counter reaches zero, an inter-
rupt is generated and the count register is reloaded from a 16-
bit period register (TPERIOD).
The ADMC401 instruction set provides flexible data moves and
multifunction (one or two data moves with a computation)
instructions. Each instruction is executed in a single 38.5 ns
processor cycle (for a 13 MHz crystal). The ADMC401 assem-
bly language uses an algebraic syntax for ease of coding and
readability. A comprehensive set of development tools supports
program development.
Serial Ports
The ADMC401 incorporates two complete synchronous serial
ports (SPORT0 and SPORT1) for serial communications and
multiprocessor communication. The following is a brief list of
the capabilities of the ADMC401 SPORTs. Refer to the
2100 Family User’s Manual,
Third Edition for further details.
SPORTs are bidirectional and have a separate, double-
buffered transmit and receive section.
SPORTs can use an external serial clock or generate their
own serial clock internally.
SPORTs have independent framing for the receive and trans-
mit sections. Sections run in a frameless mode or with frame
synchronization signals internally or externally generated.
Frame synchronization signals are active high or inverted,
with either of two pulsewidths and timings.
SPORTs support serial data word lengths from 3 bits to 16
bits and provide optional A-law and
-law companding.
SPORT receive and transmit sections can generate unique
interrupts on completing a data word transfer.
SPORTs can receive and transmit an entire circular buffer of
data with only one overhead cycle per data word. An inter-
rupt is generated after a data buffer transfer.
SPORT0 has a multichannel interface to selectively receive
and transmit a 24-word or 32-word, time-division multi-
plexed, serial bitstream.
SPORT1 can be configured to have two external interrupts
), and the Flag In and Flag Out signals. The
internally generated serial clock may still be used in this
The following are additional capabilities of the ADMC401
SPORTs that are not part of the ADSP-21xx products:
SPORT1 is the input for single pin program and data
memory boot loading. The RFS1 pin can be configured
internally to the ADMC401 as an SROM/E
PROM reset
SPORT1 has two data receive pins (DR1A and DR1B). The
DR1A pin is intended only for synchronous data receive
from the external E
PROM. The DR1B pin can be used as
the data receive pin for a general purpose SPORT after boot-
ing or as the data receive pin for other boot load modes or as
the UART/debugger interface. The DR1A and DR1B pins
are internally multiplexed onto the one data receive pin of
the SPORT. The particular data receive pin selected is deter-
mined by Bit 4 of the MODECTRL register.