(Continued from Page 1)
Programmable Digital I/O (PIO) Port
12-Pin Configurable Digital I/O Port
Flexible Interrupt Generation
Four Dedicated PIO Interrupt Vectors
Each I/O Line Configurable as PWM Shutdown
Two 8-Bit Auxiliary PWM Outputs
Programmable Switching Frequency
Independent or Offset Modes
Two-Channel Event Timer (Capture) Unit
Configurable Event Definition
Single-Shot or Free-Running Modes
Peripheral Interrupt Controller
Manages Peripheral Interrupts
16-Bit Watchdog Timer
Internal Power-On Reset System
Programmable 16-Bit Interval Timer with Prescaler
Two Double Buffered Synchronous Serial Ports
Boot Load Protocols via SPORT1:
Synchronous E
UART Boot Loader with Autobaud
Synchronous Master or Slave Boot Loader
Debugger Interface via SPORT1:
UART Interface with Autobaud
Synchronous Master or Slave Interface
Full Debugger for Program Development
Industrial Temperature Range –40 C to +85 C
Operating Voltage 5.0 V
Package: 144-Lead LQFP
The ADMC401 is a single-chip DSP-based controller, suitable
for high performance control of ac induction motors (ACIM),
permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM), brushless dc
motors (BDCM) and switched reluctance (SR) motors in indus-
trial applications. The ADMC401 integrates a 26 MIPS, fixed-
point DSP core with a complete set of motor control peripherals
that permits fast motor control in a highly integrated environment.
The DSP core of the ADMC401 is the ADSP-2171 which is
completely code compatible with the ADSP-21xx DSP family
(as well as other members of the integrated motor controllers of
the ADMC3xx family) and combines three computational units,
data address generators and a program sequencer. The computa-
tional units comprise an ALU, a multiplier/accumulator (MAC)
and a barrel shifter. The DSP core also adds instructions for bit
manipulation, squaring (
), biased rounding and global inter-
rupt masking. In addition, two flexible double-buffered, bidirec-
tional synchronous serial ports are included in the ADMC401.
The ADMC401 provides 2K
24-bit internal program memory
24-bit internal program memory ROM and 1K
16-bit internal data memory RAM. The program and data
memory RAM can be boot loaded through the serial port from
either a serial E
PROM, through a UART connection (either
from external host microprocessor or from the Motion Control
Debugger) or via a synchronous serial interface from a host
microprocessor. Alternatively, the internal program and data
memory RAM may be booted from an external device across the
address and data buses. The program memory ROM includes a
monitor that adds software debugging features through the serial
Additionally, the ADMC401 device adds significant external
memory and peripheral expansion capabilities by making avail-
able the full address and data bus of the DSP core. This feature
permits expansion of both external program and data memory
and means that the DSP core can address up to 14K
24 bits of
external program memory and up to 13K
16 bits of external
data memory.
The ADMC401 contains a number of special purpose, motor
control peripherals. The first is a high performance, 8-channel,
12-bit ADC system with dual channel simultaneous sampling
ability across 4 pair of inputs. An internal precision voltage refer-
ence is also available as part of the ADC system. In addition, a
three-phase, 16-bit, center-based PWM generation unit can be
used to produce high-accuracy PWM signals with minimal pro-
cessor overhead. The ADMC401 also contains a flexible incre-
mental encoder interface unit for position sensor feedback;
two adjustable-frequency auxiliary PWM outputs, 12 lines of
digital I/O; a 2-channel event capture system; a 16-bit watchdog
timer; two 16-bit interval timers (one of which can be linked to
the encoder interface unit) and an interrupt controller that man-
ages all peripheral interrupts. Finally, the ADMC401 contains
an integrated power-on-reset (POR) circuit that can be used to
generate the required reset signal for the device on power-on.