The Video Input Processor (VIP) handles incoming digital video and processes it for
use by other components of the PNX15xx Series. This enables applications such as
picture-in-picture and video teleconferencing on the TV screen.
1.1 Features
The VIP provides the following functions:
Receives digital video data from the video port. The data stream may come from
a device like the TDA9975(A), which can digitize analog video from any source
and convert a digital signal from a DVI interface/source into parallel YUV format
Features 8/10-bit single channel (single-stream) and 16/20-bit dual channel
(dual-stream) capture of CCIR601 YUV 4:2:2 video input with embedded or
explicit syncs, supported by a maximum clock frequency of 81 MHz. The
DUAL_STREAM mode is used to capture a 16 or 20-bit HD stream where 8/10-
bit Y and 8/10-bit multiplexed U/V data are received and captured on two
separate channels. The VIP contains a color space converter that can be
programmed to support YUV, YCbCr, YPbPr or even RGB data as long as the
input format is similar to the YUV 4:2:2 format. The color space converter and the
horizontal scaling feature are mutually exclusive.
Provides video and auxiliary (AUX, ANC, or RAW) data acquisition and capture.
– Provides separate acquisition windows for video and for VBI data (cannot be
used if the output format is planar data.
– Implements two identical Dither units capable of either dithering or rounding
9- or 10-pixel components in video mode.
– Enables raw data capture in either 8 or 10 bits for single_stream mode and
8 bits of DUAL_STREAM mode.
– Enables ANC header decoding or window mode for VBI data extraction.
Performs horizontal scaling, cropping and pixel packing on video data from a
continuous video data stream or a single eld or frame.
– Performs horizontal down-scaling or zoom-up by 2x, the upscaling being
possible only in the single-stream mode.
– Enables linear horizontal aspect ratio conversion using normal or transposed
6-tap polyphase lter.
Chapter 12: Video Input Processor
PNX15xx Series Data Book – Volume 1 of 1
Rev. 3 — 17 March 2006
Product data sheet