This chapter presents information on the PNX15xx Series System On-Chip (SOC)
and its MMIO registers. Further details on each module composing PNX15xx Series
are available on dedicated chapters though this databook. Reading this chapter is
recommended before jumping to the individual module documentation.
System Memory Map
PNX15xx Series is designed to work in two different environments: standalone and
host mode (
Figure 1). In standalone mode PNX15xx Series retrieves its program (i.e.
the software application that runs on the TM3260 CPU) from an EEPROM or a Flash
memory device. In this mode the PNX15xx Series acts as the master. In host mode
PNX15xx Series program is downloaded into the PNX15xx Series main memory
before the TM3260 CPU is released from reset. In this mode the PNX15xx Series
acts as a slave. This mode is typically used for a PCI plug-in card or a standalone
system where a control processor is the master. In both modes the PCI bus is the
main bus used to attach other components of the board system. In order to
successfully get all these components working together, it is important to understand
PNX15xx Series system memory map and its bus structure.
Following the PCI memory addressing principles, PNX15xx Series system provides
several apertures in its 32-bit address space to communicate to the other devices
through the PCI bus. At system level, there are three different views of these
apertures. The view from the TM3260 CPU, the view from the internal bus, called
DCS, and the view from the PCI module. The DCS view is introduced to present the
overall view of the system memory map.
Chapter 3: System On Chip
PNX15xx Series Data Book – Volume 1 of 1
Rev. 3 — 17 March 2006
Product data sheet
Figure 1:
The Two Operating Modes of PNX15xx Series
PCI Agent
Host CPU
(e.g., x86)
PCI Agent
a) PNX15xx Series in host mode
b) PNX15xx Series in standalone mode as the host (i.e.
PCI Bridge