User’s Manual U13952EJ3V1UD
16.2.2 STOP mode
Setting and operation status of STOP mode
The STOP mode is set by executing the STOP instruction.
Because the standby mode can be released by an interrupt request signal, the standby
mode is released as soon as it is set if there is an interrupt source whose interrupt request
flag is set and interrupt mask flag is reset. When the STOP mode is set, therefore, the
HALT mode is set immediately after the STOP instruction has been executed, the wait time
set by the oscillation stabilization time selection register (OSTS) elapses, and then an
operation mode is set.
The operation status in the STOP mode is shown in the following table.
Table 16-3. STOP Mode Operating Status
STOP Mode Operation Status While Main System Clock Is Running
While the subsystem clock is running
While the subsystem clock is not running
Main system clock generator
Oscillation stopped
Operation stopped
Port (output latch)
Remains in the state existing before the selection of STOP mode.
16-bit timer (TM50)
Operation stopped
8-bit timer/event counter
(TM00 and TM01)
Operation enabled
Note 1
8-bit timer (TM02)
Operation enabled
Note 2
Operation stopped
Watch timer
Operation enabled
Note 2
Operation stopped
Watchdog timer
Operation stopped
Serial interface
Operation enabled
Note 3
A/D converter
Operation stopped
LCD controller/driver
Operation enabled
Note 2
Operation stopped
Operation enabled
Notes 5, 6
Operation enabled
Note 6
External interrupt
Operation enabled
Note 4
Notes 1. Operation is enabled only when TI0 or TI1 is selected as the count clock.
2. Operation is enabled while the subsystem clock is selected.
3. Operation is enabled in both 3-wire serial I/O and UART modes while an external clock is being used.
4. Maskable interrupt that is not masked
5. Operation is enabled while TM02 is running.
6. Operation is enabled as an external interrupt.