NXP B.V. 2007. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 01 — 22 March 2007
13 of 59
NXP Semiconductors
Stereo FM radio + RDS
The tuner can do an RDS update. This is a preset, but with a 2 ms IF count time. The
tuner will jump to the alternative frequency and check the level and the IF count using a
2 ms count time. When RSSI level check is above the specied level and the IF count
result is within the limits then the tuner will stay at the alternative frequency and stay
muted. The host processor can now decide what to do. If the alternative frequency is not
valid it will jump back to the frequency it came from. The algorithm will nish with the
FRRFLAG being set and generate an interrupt. After this interrupt the TEA5766UK will not
measure the IF count for a period of 15.6 ms. 15.6 ms after completing an RDS jump a
measurement of the IF count will start and hence the IF count result and the IFFLAG will
be updated 31.25 ms after completing the algorithm. The level measurement will start
15.6 ms after the tuning algorithm, so bit LEVFLAG and the RSSI information will be
updated 15.6 ms after the algorithm. The state of the TEA5766UK can be checked by
reading registers: INTFLAG, FRQCHK, IFCHK and LEVCHK.
Table 6 shows the possible
states after an RDS update and
Figure 5 shows the owchart.
7.21.1 Muting during RDS update
An RDS update (AF jump) is always muted. There are two states after the algorithm has
1. The tuner jumps to an alternative frequency which is not valid (according to the
specied SSL limit and xed IF counter limits) and jumps back, then it will get not
muted automatically.
2. The tuner jumps to a valid alternative frequency and stays there. Now it remains in
mute. The host processor can switch to not muted or it keeps the tuner muted and can
check for the presence of RDS data. The recommended method to get not muted is to
do a preset to the current frequency (at a preset an IF count time of 15.6 ms is used,
which gives a more accurate IF count result than the result obtained by the AF jump,
where 2 ms is used).
This table is valid until 31.25 ms after an RDS update has completed. It shows the outcome of the ag
register when a read is done after INTX has gone LOW with the condition that no other mask bits are set
than shown in the table.
Table 6.
RDS update truth table[1] Bit
this cannot occur if INTX has gone LOW and only IFMSK,
FRRMSK and BLMSK were set
alternative frequency jump successful; radio is tuned to the
alternative frequency and keeps muted
not a valid state
not a valid state
not a valid state
101AF jump has been done, but the wanted channel fails the IF
count, the PLL will be set back to the old value
not a valid state
this cannot occur if INTX has gone LOW and only IFMSK,
FRRMSK and BLMSK were set