This manual provides a summary and reference to the ST20 instruction set for C2 and
C4 cores. The instructions are listed in alphabetical order, one to a page. Descriptions
are presented in a standard format with the instruction mnemonic and full name of the
instruction at the top of the page, followed by these categories of information:
Code: the instruction code;
Description: a brief summary of the purpose and behavior of the instruction;
Definition: a more complete description of the instruction, using the notation
described below in section 1.7;
Error signals: a list of errors and other signals which can occur;
Comments: a list of other important features of the instruction;
See also: for some instructions, a cross reference is provided to other instruc-
tions with a related function.
These categories are explained in more detail below, using the
add instruction as an
Instruction name
The header at the top of each page shows the instruction mnemonic and, on the right,
the full name of the instruction. For primary instructions the mnemonic is followed by
‘n’ to indicate the operand to the instruction; the same notation is used in the
description to show how the operand is used.
For secondar y instructions the instruction ‘operation code’ is shown as the memory
code — the actual bytes, including any prefixes, which are stored in memory. The
value is given as a sequence of bytes in hexadecimal, decoded left to right. The codes
are stored in memory in ‘little-endian’ format — with the first byte at the lowest
For primary instructions the code stored in memory is determined partly by the value
of the operand to the instruction. In this case the op-code is shown as ‘Function
x is the function code in the last byte of the instruction. For example, adc (add
constant) is shown as ‘Function 8’.
The entry for the
add instruction is: