Treatment of Unused Input Pin
Leaving unused input pins unconnected can cause abnormal operation or latch-up, leaving to permanent
damage. Unused input pins should always be pulled up or down through resistance of at least 2 k
Ω. Any
unused input/output pins may be set to output mode and left open, or set to input mode and treated the same
as unused input pins. If there is unused output pin, make it to open.
Power Supply Pins
In products with multiple VCC or VSS pins, the pins of the same potential are internally connected in the device
to avoid abnormal operations including latch-up. However, you must connect the pins to external power
supply and a ground line to lower the electro-magnetic emission level, to prevent abnormal operation of
strobe signals caused by the rise in the ground level, and to conform to the total output current rating.
Moreover, connect the current supply source with the VCC and VSS pins of this device at the low impedance.
It is also advisable to connect a ceramic bypass capacitor of approximately 0.1
μF between VCC and VSS
near this device.
Connect the DBG pin directly to external Pull-up.
To prevent the device unintentionally entering test mode due to noise, lay out the printed circuit board so as
to minimize the distance from the DBG pins to VCC or VSS pins.
The DBG pin should not stay at “L” level after power-on until the reset output is released.
Connect the RST pin directly to Pull-up.
To prevent the device unintentionally entering test mode due to noise, lay out the printed circuit board so as
to minimize the distance from the RST pins to VCC or VSS pins.
The RST/PF2 pin functions as the reset input/output pin after power-on. In addition, the reset output can be
enabled by the RSTOE bit of the SYSC register, and the reset input function or the general purpose I/O
function can be selected by the RSTEN bit of the SYSC register.
Example of DBG / RST connection diagram
Pull-up resistor recommended
For DBG pin : R
= 4.7 kΩ
For RST pin : R
= 10 kΩ