M36W216TI, M36W216BI
There are five standard operations that control the
SRAM component. These are Bus Read, Bus
Write, Standby/Power-down, Data Retention and
Output Disable. A summary is shown in Table 2,
Main Operation Modes
Read. Read operations are used to output the
contents of the SRAM Array. The SRAM is in Read
mode whenever Write Enable, WS,is at VIH, Out-
put Enable, GS,is at VIL, Chip Enable, E1S,is at
VIL, Chip Enable, E2S,is at VIH, and one or both of
the Byte Enables, UBS and LBS is/are at VIL.
Valid data will be available on the output pins after
a time of tAVQV after the last stable address. If the
Chip Enable or Output Enable access times are
not met, data access will be measured from the
limiting parameter (tE1LQV,tE2HQV,or tGLQV) rath-
er than the address. Data out may be indetermi-
nate at tE1LQX,tE2HQX and tGLQX, but data lines
will always be valid at tAVQV (see Table 22, Figures
17 and 18).
Write. Write operations are used to write data to
the SRAM. The SRAM is in Write mode whenever
WS and E1S are at VIL, and E2S is at VIH. Either
the Chip Enable inputs, E1S and E2S, or the Write
Enable input, WS, must be deasserted during ad-
dress transitions for subsequent write cycles.
A Write operation is initiated when E1S is at VIL,
E2S is at VIH and WS is at VIL. The data is latched
o the falling edge of E1S, the rising edge of E2S or
the falling edge of WS, whichever occurs last. The
Write cycle is terminated on the rising edge of E1S,
the rising edge of WS or the falling edge of E2S,
whichever occurs first.
If the Output is enabled (E1S=VIL,E2S=VIH and
GS=VIL), then WS will return the outputs to high im-
pedance within tWLQZ of its falling edge. Care must
be taken to avoid bus contention in this type of op-
eration. The Data input must be valid for tDVWH be-
fore the rising edge of Write Enable, for tDVE1H
before the rising edge of E1S or for tDVE2L before
the falling edge of E2S, whichever occurs first, and
remain valid for tWHDX,tE1HAX or tE2LAX (see Table
23, Figures 20, 21, 22 and 23).
Standby/Power-Down. The SRAM component
has a chip enabled power-down feature which in-
vokes an automatic standby mode (see Table 22,
Figure 19). The SRAM is in Standby mode when-
ever either Chip Enable is deasserted, E1S at VIH
or E2S at VIL. It is also possible when UBS and LBS
are at VIH.
Data Retention. The SRAM data retention per-
formances as VDDS go down to VDR are described
in Table 24 and Figure 24. In E1S controlled data
retention mode, the minimum standby current
mode is entered when E1S ≥ VDDS – 0.2V and
E2S ≤ 0.2V or E2S ≥ VDDS – 0.2V. In E2S con-
trolled data retention mode, minimum standby cur-
rent mode is entered when E2S ≤ 0.2V.
Output Disable. The data outputs are high im-
pedance when the Output Enable, GS,is at VIH
with Write Enable, WS,at VIH.