Revision 1.0
May 2005
The burst write command is similar to burst read command and
is used to write data into the SDRAM on consecutive clock cycles
in adjacent addresses depending on burst length and burst
sequence. By asserting low on CS, CAS and WE with valid col-
umn address, a write burst is initiated. The data inputs are pro-
vided for the initial address in the same clock cycle as the burst
write command. The input buffer is deselected at the end of the
burst length, even though the internal writing can be completed
yet. The writing can be completed by issuing a burst read and
DQM for blocking data inputs or burst write in the same or
another active bank. The burst stop command is valid at every
burst length. The write burst can also be terminated by using
DQM for blocking data and procreating the bank t
after the
last data input to be written into the active row. See DQM OPER-
ATION also.
All banks can be precharged at the same time by using Pre-
charge all command. Asserting low on CS, RAS, and WE with
high on A10/AP after all banks have satisfied t
(min) require-
ment, performs precharge on all banks. At the end of t
performing precharge to all the banks, all banks are in idle state.
The precharge operation is performed on an active bank by
asserting low on CS, RAS, WE and A10/AP with valid BA0 ~ BA1
of the bank to be precharged. The precharge command can be
asserted anytime after t
(min) is satisfied from the bank active
command in the desired bank. t
is defined as the minimum
number of clock cycles required to complete row precharge is
calculated by dividing t
with clock cycle time and rounding up
to the next higher integer. Care should be taken to make sure
that burst write is completed or DQM is used to inhibit writing
before precharge command is asserted. The maximum time any
bank can be active is specified by t
(max). Therefore, each
bank activate command. At the end of precharge, the bank
enters the idle state and is ready to be activated again. Entry to
Power down, Auto refresh, Self refresh and Mode register set
etc. is possible only when all banks are in idle state.
The precharge operation can also be performed by using auto
precharge. The SDRAM internally generates the timing to satisfy
(min) and "t
" for the programmed burst length and CAS
latency. The auto precharge command is issued at the same time
as burst read or burst write by asserting high on A10/AP. If burst
read or burst write by asserting high on A10/AP, the bank is left
active until a new command is asserted. Once auto precharge
command is given, no new commands are possible to that partic-
ular bank until the bank achieves idle state.
The storage cells of 64Mb, 128Mb, 256Mb and 512Mb SDRAM
need to be refreshed every 64ms to maintain data. An auto
refresh cycle accomplishes refresh of a single row of storage
cells. The internal counter increments automatically on every
auto refresh cycle to refresh all the rows. An auto refresh com-
mand is issued by asserting low on CS, RAS and CAS with high
on CKE and WE. The auto refresh command can only be
asserted with all banks being in idle state and the device is not in
power down mode (CKE is high in the previous cycle). The time
required to complete the auto refresh operation is specified by
(min). The minimum number of clock cycles required can be
calculated by driving t
with clock cycle time and them round-
ing up to the next higher integer. The auto refresh command
must be followed by NOP's until the auto refresh operation is
completed. All banks will be in the idle state at the end of auto
refresh operation. The auto refresh is the preferred refresh mode
when the SDRAM is being used for normal data transactions.
The 64Mb and 128Mb SDRAM’s auto refresh cycle can be per-
formed once in 15.6us or a burst of 4096 auto refresh cycles
once in 64ms. The 256Mb and 512Mb SDRAM’s auto refresh
cycle can be performed once in 7.8us or a burst of 8192 auto
refresh cycles once in 64ms.