Preliminary Technical Data
Rev. PrE | Page 6 of 24
Measurement Error
The error associated with the energy measurement made by the
ADE7757A is defined by the following formula:
Phase Error Between Channels
The high-pass filter (HPF) in the current channel (Channel V1)
has a phase-lead response. To offset this phase response and
equalize the phase response between channels, a phase-
correction network is also placed in Channel V1. The phase-
correction network matches the phase to within 0.1° over a
range of 45 Hz to 65 Hz, and 0.2° over a range 40 Hz to 1 kHz
(see Figure 23 and Figure 24).
Power Supply Rejection
This quantifies the ADE7757A measurement error as a
percentage of reading when the power supplies are varied.
For the ac PSR measurement, a reading at nominal supplies
(5 V) is taken. A 200 mV rms/100 Hz signal is then introduced
onto the supplies and a second reading is obtained under the
same input signal levels. Any error introduced is expressed as a
percentage of reading—see the Measurement Error definition.
For the dc PSR measurement, a reading at nominal supplies
(5 V) is taken. The supplies are then varied 5% and a second
reading is obtained with the same input signal levels. Any error
introduced is again expressed as a percentage of reading.
ADC Offset Error
This refers to the small dc signal (offset) associated with the
analog inputs to the ADCs. However, the HPF in Channel V1
eliminates the offset in the circuitry. Therefore, the power
calculation is not affected by this offset.
Frequency Output Error (CF)
The frequency output error of the ADE7757A is defined as the
difference between the measured output frequency (minus the
offset) and the ideal output frequency. The difference is
expressed as a percentage of the ideal frequency. The ideal
frequency is obtained from the ADE7757A transfer function.
Gain Error
The gain error of the ADE7757A is defined as the difference
between the measured output of the ADCs (minus the offset)
and the ideal output of the ADCs. The difference is expressed
as a percentage of the ideal output of the ADCs.
Oscillator Frequency Tolerance
The oscillator frequency tolerance of the ADE7757A is defined
as the part-to-part frequency variation in terms of percentage
at room temperature (25°C). It is measured by taking the
difference between the measured oscillator frequency and the
nominal frequency defined in the Specifications section.
Oscillator Frequency Stability
The frequency variation in terms of the parts-per-million drift
over the operating temperature range. In a metering application,
the temperature range is 40°C to +85°C. Oscillator frequency
stability is measured by taking the difference between the
measured oscillator frequency at –40°C and +85°C and the
measured oscillator frequency at +25°C.