REV. 1.1.2
This Read-Only bit-field indicates whether or not the
Analog LOS Detector in the XRT7300 is currently de-
claring an LOS condition.
This bit-field is set to “0” if the Analog LOS Detector in
the XRT7300 is NOT currently declaring an LOS con-
dition. Conversely, this bit-field is set to “1” if the Ana-
log LOS Detector is currently declaring an LOS condi-
The purpose of this feature is to isolate either the An-
alog LOS or the Digital LOS detector that is declaring
the LOS condition. This feature may be useful for
troubleshooting/debugging purposes.
Bit D1 - DLOS (Digital Loss of Signal Status)
This Read-Only bit-field indicates whether or not the
Digital LOS Detector in the XRT7300 is currently de-
claring an LOS condition.
This bit-field is set to “0” if the Digital LOS Detector in
the XRT7300 is NOT currently declaring an LOS con-
dition. Conversely, this bit-field is set to “1” if the Dig-
ital LOS Detector is currently declaring an LOS condi-
NOTE: The purpose of this feature is to isolate the Detector
(e.g., either the Analog LOS or the Digital LOS detector)
that is declaring the LOS condition. This feature may be
useful for troubleshooting/debugging purposes.
Bit D0 - DMO (Drive Monitor Output Status)
This Read-Only bit-field reflects the status of the
DMO output pin.
Command Register - CR1
Bit D4 - TXOFF (Transmitter OFF)
This Read/Write bit-field is used to turn off the Trans-
mitter in the XRT7300.
Writing a “1” to this bit-field turns off the Transmitter
and tri-states the Transmit Output. Writing a “0” to
this bit-field turns on the Transmitter.
Bit D3 - TAOS (Transmit All OneS)
This Read/Write bit-field is used to command the
XRT7300 Transmitter to generate and transmit an all
“1’s” pattern onto the line.
Writing a “1” to this bit-field commands the Transmit-
ter to transmit an all “1’s” pattern onto the line. Writ-
ing a “0” to this bit-field commands normal operation.
Bit D2 - TXCLKINV (Transmit Clock Invert)
This Read/Write bit-field is used to configure the
XRT7300 Transmitter to sample the signal at the TP-
DATA and TNDATA pins on the rising or falling edge
of TCLK (the Transmit Line Clock signal).
Writing a “1” to this bit-field configures the Transmitter
to sample the TPDATA and TNDATA input pins on the
rising edge of TCLK. Writing a “0” to this bit-field con-
figures the Transmitter to sample the TPDATA and
TNDATA input pins on the falling edge of TCLK.
Bit D1 - TXLEV (Transmit Level Select)
This Read/Write bit-field is used to enable or disable
the XRT7300 Transmit Line Build-Out circuit.
Setting this bit-field "High" disables the Line Build-Out
circuit of the XRT7300. In this mode, the XRT7300
outputs partially-shaped pulses onto the line via the
TTIP and TRING output pins. Setting this bit-field
"Low" enables the Line Build-Out circuit of the
XRT7300. In this mode the XRT7300 outputs shaped
pulses onto the line via the TTIP and TRING output
To comply with the Isolated DSX/STSX-1 Pulse Tem-
plate Requirements per Bellcore GR-499-CORE or
GR-253-CORE, either:
1. set this input pin to "1" if the cable length between
the Cross-Connect and the transmit output of the
XRT7300 is greater than 225 feet or
2. set this input pin to "0" if the cable length between
the Cross-Connect and the transmit output of the
XRT7300 is less than 225 feet.
NOTE: This option is only available when the XRT7300 is
operating in the DS3 or STS-1 Mode.
Bit D0 - TXBIN (Transmit Binary Data)
This Read/Write bit-field permits configuring of the
Transmitter in the XRT7300 to accept an un-encoded
binary data stream via the TPDATA input and con-
verts this data into the appropriate bipolar signal to
the line.
Writing a “1” configures the Transmitter to accept a bi-
nary data stream via the TPDATA input.
NOTE: The TNDATA input is ignored.
This form of data acceptance is sometimes referred
to as Single-Rail mode operation. The Transmitter
then encodes this data into the appropriate line code
(e.g., B3ZS or HDB3) prior to its transmission over
the line.
Writing a “0” configures the Transmitter to accept da-
ta in a Dual-Rail manner (e.g., via both the TPDATA
and TNDATA inputs).