Lucent Technologies Inc.
Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev. 1
September 1998
ORCA Series 3 FPGAs
Index (continued)
Look-Up Table (LUT) Operating Modes, 10—17
Adder-Subtractor Submode, 14
Counter Submode, 14
Equality Comparators, 15
Half-Logic Mode, 13
Logic Mode, 11
Memory Mode, 16
Multiplier Submode, 15
Ripple Mode, 13
LSR, 10, 16, 22—23, 30, 47
Microprocessor Interface (MPI), 61—68
i960 System, 63
Interface to FPGA, 63
PowerPC System, 60
Setup and Control Registers, 65
Multiplier (see LUT Operating Modes)
ORCA Foundry Development System, 24
Overview, 6
Ordering Information, 204
Package Matrix, 204
Package Options, 204
Temperature Options, 204
Voltage Options, 204
Output (see PICs)
Output Multiplexing, 38
Package Information, 197—203
Package Matrix, 204
Package Outline Diagrams, 197
208-Pin SQFP2, 198
240-Pin SQFP2, 199
256-Pin PBGA, 200
352-Pin PBGA, 201
432-Pin EBGA, 202
600-Pin EBGA, 203
Terms and Definitions, 197
Phase Adjustment (see PCM)
Pin Information, 142–196
208-Pin SQFP2 Pinout, 148
240-Pin SQFP2 Pinout, 153
256-Pin PBGA Pinout, 159
352-Pin PBGA Pinout, 162
432-Pin EBGA Pinout, 171
600-Pin EBGA Pinout, 181
Package Compatibility, 146—147
Pin Descriptions, 142
Power Dissipation, 139—141
5 V Tolerant I/O, 140
OR3Cxx, 139
OR3Txxx, 140
Programmable Clock Manager (PCM), 141
PowerPC (see Microprocessor Interface)
Programmable Clock Manager (PCM), 3, 69—80
Clock Delay, 73
Clock Multiplication, 74
DLL Mode, 72
PCM Cautions, 80
PCM Detailed Programming, 76
PCM Operation, 75
PCM/FPGA Internal Interface, 75
PLL Mode, 73
Registers, 70
Programmable Function Unit (PFU), 8
Control Inputs, 10
Operating Modes, 10
Softwired LUTs (SWL), 12
Programmable Input/Output Cells (PICs), 33—43
5 V Tolerant I/O, 34
Architecture, 42
Control Inputs, 10, 22
Inputs, 35
Demultiplexing, 37
Outputs, 38
Multiplexing, 38
Open-Drain Output Option, 38
Propagation Delays, 38
Overview, 33
PIO, 33
PIO Logic, 40
PIO Options, 34
PIO Register Control Signals, 40
Zero-Hold Input, 36
Programmable Logic Cells (PLCs), 8—32
Architecture, 31—32
Latches/Flip-Flops, 22—23
PFU, 8
Routing, 24—30
SLIC, 18—21