Lucent Technologies Inc.
Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev. 1
September 1998
ORCA Series 3 FPGAs
Description (continued)
PIC Logic
Series 3 PIC addresses the demand for ever-increas-
ing system clock speeds. Each PIC contains four pro-
grammable inputs/outputs (PIOs) and routing
resources. On the input side, each PIO contains a fast-
capture latch that is clocked by an ExpressCLK. This
latch is followed by a latch/FF that is clocked by a sys-
tem clock from the internal general clock routing. The
combination provides for very low setup requirements
and zero hold times for signals coming on-chip. It may
also be used to demultiplex an input signal, such as a
multiplexed address/data signal, and register the sig-
nals without explicitly building a demultiplexer. Two
input signals are available to the PLC array from each
PIO, and the
ORCA 2C/2T capability to use any input
pin as a clock or other global input is maintained.
On the output side of each PIO, two outputs from the
PLC array can be routed to each output flip-flop, and
logic can be associated with each I/O pad. The output
logic associated with each pad allows for multiplexing
of output signals and other functions of two output sig-
The output FF in combination with output signal multi-
plexing, is particularly useful for registering address
signals to be multiplexed with data, allowing a full clock
cycle for the data to propagate to the output. The I/O
buffer associated with each pad is very similar to the
ORCA 2C/2T Series buffer with a new, fast, open-drain
option for ease of use on system buses.
System Features
Series 3 also provides system-level functionality by
means of its dual-use microprocessor interface and its
innovative programmable clock manager. These func-
tional blocks allow for easy glueless system interfacing
and the capability to adjust to varying conditions in
today’s high-speed systems.
The abundant routing resources of the
ORCA Series 3
FPGAs are organized to route signals individually or as
buses with related control signals. Clocks are routed on
a low-skew, high-speed distribution network and may
be sourced from PLC logic, externally from any I/O
pad, or from the very fast ExpressCLK pins. Express-
CLKs may be glitchlessly and independently enabled
and disabled with a programmable control signal using
the new StopCLK feature. The improved PIC routing
resources are now similar to the patented intra-PLC
routing resources and provide great flexibility in moving
signals to and from the PIOs. This flexibility translates
into an improved capability to route designs at the
required speeds when the I/O signals have been
locked to specific pins.
The FPGA’s functionality is determined by internal
configuration RAM. The FPGA’s internal initialization/
configuration circuitry loads the configuration data at
powerup or under system control. The RAM is loaded
by using one of several configuration modes. The con-
figuration data resides externally in an EEPROM or any
other storage media. Serial EEPROMs provide a sim-
ple, low pin count method for configuring FPGAs. A
new, easy method for configuring the devices is
through the microprocessor interface.