AND EXAMPLES (X28B-G-003-01)
5.2 Panning and Scrolling
The terms panning and scrolling refer to the actions used to move a viewport about a virtual display.
Although the entire image is stored in the display buffer, only a portion is visible at any given time.
Panning describes the horizontal (side to side) motion of the viewport. When panning to the right the
image in the viewport appears to slide to the left. When panning to the left the image to appears to
slide to the right. Scrolling describes the vertical (up and down) motion of the viewport. Scrolling
down causes the image to appear to slide up and scrolling up causes the image to appear to slide
Both panning and scrolling are performed by modifying the start address registers. The start address
refers to the word offset in the display buffer where the beginning of the image is displayed from. At
color depths other than 16 bpp, another register is required for smooth movement. The pixel pan reg-
isters (REG[048h] for LCD, REG[068h] for CRT/TV) allow panning in smaller increments than
changing the start address alone.
Internally, the S1D13806 latches different signals at different times. Due to this internal sequence,
the start address and pixel pan registers should be accessed in a specific order during panning and
scrolling operations, in order to provide the smoothest scrolling. Setting the registers in the wrong
sequence, or at the wrong time, results in a “tearing” or jitter effect on the display.
The start address is latched at the beginning of each frame, so the start address can be set within the
vertical non-display period (VNDP). The pixel pan register values are latched at the beginning of
each display line and must be set during the vertical non-display period. The correct sequence for
programing these registers is:
1. Wait for the beginning of the vertical non-display period - For the LCD, REG[03Ah] bit 7 will
return a 1 during VNDP; for the CRT/TV, REG[058h] bit 7 will return a 1 during VNDP. Wait
for the transition of the appropriate bit to go from 0 to 1. This ensures the register updates are
carried out at the beginning of VNDP.
2. Update the start address registers - For the LCD, REG[042h], REG[043h], REG[044h]; for the
CRT/TV, REG[062h], REG[063h], REG[064h].
3. Update the pixel panning register - For the LCD, REG[048h] bits 1-0; for the CRT/TV
REG[068h] bits 1-0.