7510 Group
Serial I/O Control Register
SIO1CON (001A16), SIO2CON (003216)
The serial I/O control register consists of eight control bits for the
serial I/O function.
UART Control Register
UART1CON (001B16), UART2CON (003316)
The UART control register consists of four control bits (bits 0 to 3)
which are valid when asynchronous serial I/O is selected and set
the data format of an data transfer. One bit in this register (bit 4) is
always valid and sets the output structure of the P45/TXD1 (P31/
TXD2) pin.
Serial I/O Status Register
SIO1STS (001916), SIO2STS (003116)
The read-only serial I/O status register consists of seven flags
(bits 0 to 6) which indicate the operating status of the serial I/O
function and various errors.
Three of the flags (bits 4 to 6) are valid only in UART mode.
The receive buffer full flag (bit 1) is cleared to “0” when the receive
buffer is read.
If there is an error, it is detected at the same time that data is
transferred from the receive shift register to the receive buffer, and
the receive buffer full flag is set. Writing to the serial I/O status reg-
ister clears all the error flags OE, PE, FE, and SE (bit 3 to bit 6,
respectively). Writing “0” to the serial I/O enable bit SIOE (bit 7 of
the serial I/O control register) also clears all the status flags, in-
cluding the error flags.
All bits of the serial I/O status register are initialized to “0” at reset,
but if the transmit enable bit (bit 4) of the serial I/O control register
has been set to “1”, the transmit shift completion flag (bit 2) and
the transmit buffer empty flag (bit 0) become “1”.
Transmit Buffer Register/Receive Buffer Register
TB1/RB1 (001816), TB2/RB2 (003016)
The transmit buffer register and the receive buffer register are lo-
cated at the same address. The transmit buffer register is
write-only and the receive buffer register is read-only.
If a character bit length is 7 bits, the MSB of data stored in the re-
ceive buffer register is “0”.
Baud Rate Generator
BRG1 (001C16), BRG2 (003416)
The baud rate generator determines the baud rate for serial trans-
The baud rate generator divides the frequency of the count source
by 1/(n+1), where n is the value written to the baud rate generator.