NXP B.V. 2007. All rights reserved.
Preliminary data sheet
Rev. 00.01 — 5 October 2007
44 of 72
NXP Semiconductors
Fast communication chip
PLL values, and/or altering the CPU clock divider value. This allows a trade-off of power
versus processing speed based on application requirements. In addition, Peripheral
power control allows shutting down the clocks to individual on-chip peripherals, allowing
fine tuning of power consumption by eliminating all dynamic power use in any peripherals
that are not required for the application. Each of the peripherals has its own clock divider
which provides even better power control.
The LPC2470 also implements a separate power domain in order to allow turning off
power to the bulk of the device while maintaining operation of the RTC and a small SRAM,
referred to as the Battery RAM.
Idle mode
In Idle mode, execution of instructions is suspended until either a Reset or interrupt
occurs. Peripheral functions continue operation during Idle mode and may generate
interrupts to cause the processor to resume execution. Idle mode eliminates dynamic
power used by the processor itself, memory systems and related controllers, and internal
Sleep mode
In Sleep mode, the oscillator is shut down and the chip receives no internal clocks. The
processor state and registers, peripheral registers, and internal SRAM values are
preserved throughout Sleep mode and the logic levels of chip pins remain static. The
output of the IRC is disabled but the IRC is not powered down for a fast wake-up later. The
32 kHz RTC oscillator is not stopped because the RTC interrupts may be used as the
wake-up source. The PLL is automatically turned off and disconnected. The CCLK and
USB clock dividers automatically get reset to zero.
The Sleep mode can be terminated and normal operation resumed by either a Reset or
certain specific interrupts that are able to function without clocks. Since all dynamic
operation of the chip is suspended, Sleep mode reduces chip power consumption to a
very low value.
On the wake-up of Sleep mode, if the IRC was used before entering Sleep mode, the
code execution and peripherals activities will resume after 4 cycles expire. If the main
external oscillator was used, the code execution will resume when 4096 cycles expire.
The customers need to reconfigure the PLL and clock dividers accordingly.
Power-down mode
Power-down mode does everything that Sleep mode does but also turns off the IRC
On the wake-up from Power-down mode, if the IRC was used before entering
Power-down mode, it will take IRC 60
s to start-up. After this 4 IRC cycles will expire
before the code execution can then be resumed if the code was running from SRAM. The
customers need to reconfigure the PLL and clock dividers accordingly after a wake-up
from Power-down mode.
Power domains
The LPC2470 provides two independent power domains that allow the bulk of the device
to have power removed while maintaining operation of the RTC and the Battery RAM.