Draft 6/5/00
Functional Description
Copyright 2000 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
The collision function is disabled if the device is in the Full-Duplex mode,
is in the Link Fail state, or if the device is in the diagnostic loopback
mode. 10 Mbits/s
A collision in the 10 Mbits/s mode is identical to one the 100 Mbits/s
mode except:
The 10 Mbits/s squelch criteria determines reception
The RXD[3:0] outputs are all forced LOW
The collision signal (COL) is asserted when the SQE test is
The collision signal (COL) is asserted when the jabber condition has
been detected. Collision Test
To test the Controller Interface collision signal (COL), set the COLTST bit
in the MI serial port Control register. When this bit is set, TX_EN is
looped back onto COL and the TP outputs are disabled. Collision Indication
Collisions are indicated through the COL pin, which is asserted HIGH
every time a collision occurs. The device can also be programmed to
indicate collisions on the PLED2n output.
In the MI serial port Configuration 2 register, set the LED function select
bits (LED_DEF_[1:0]) so that collision activity is indicated at the PLED2n
output. Set the PLED2_[1:0] bits in the same register to 0b11 (normal).
With these settings, a LED connected to the PLED2n pin will reflect
collision activity.
When the PLED2n pin is programmed to be a collision detect output, it
is asserted LOW for 100 ms every time a collision occurs. The PLED2n
output is open drain with a pullup resistor and can drive an LED from
or can drive another digital input.
Section 2.2.14, “LED Drivers,” page 2-37
for more details on how to
program the LED output pins to indicate various conditions.