9600/14400 bps FAX MODEM
5 Programmable Interrupt Feature
This feature makes it possible for the host to select an interrupt to occur on any combination of bits within
an interface memory register.
5.1 Programmable Interrupt Bits
The programmable interrupt routine is executed at the sampling rate. ( 9,600Hz ) in all configurations. When
the host sets the PINTE bit and the modem sets the PINTA bit, IRQ goes active ( low ) when the interrupt
condition is met. The PIRQ bit must be reset by the host after the interrupt service, since this bit will not
be reset by the modem and no further interrupts will occur until PIRQ has been reset.
An interrupt may occur due to a single interface memory register based on any combination of bits. The
register is selected by specifying the interrupt Address in the INTADR field. The interrupt bit mask register
( INTMSK ) selects the bits to be tested in the interface memory register specified by INTADR.
5.2 Programmable Interrupt Operation Modes
There are two operating logic modes ( AND/OR ) with each having four trigger options. The triggering option
is selected by the ITRIG field and the logic ( AND/OR ) is selected by INTML.
6 DSP RAM Parameter Definitions and Scaling
In the following the DSP RAM parameters are described as they appear in Table 2
Received Signal Sample / Received Signal Sample ( FSK )
Format: 16 bits, signed two
Equation: V
( V ) = [( A / D Sample Word ) h
( 3.03/2
= V
+ LOG 10
{( AGC Gain ( dB )) /20}
AGC Gain Word
Format: 16 bits, unsigned
Equation: AGC Gain ( dB ) = 50 [ 1 - ( AGC Gain Word ) h / 2