Publication Release Date: Oct 31 2008
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Revision 1.2
Nuvoton Technology Corporation America
Nuvoton Technology (Shanghai) Ltd.
No. 4, Creation Rd. III
2727 North First Street, San Jose,
27F, 299 Yan An W. Rd. Shanghai,
Science-Based Industrial Park,
CA 95134, U.S.A.
200336 China
Hsinchu, Taiwan
TEL: 1-408-9436666
TEL: 86-21-62365999
TEL: 886-3-5770066
FAX: 1-408-5441797
FAX: 86-21-62356998
FAX: 886-3-5665577
Taipei Office
Nuvoton Technology Corporation Japan
Nuvoton Technology (H.K.) Ltd.
9F, No. 480, Pueiguang Rd.
7F Daini-ueno BLDG. 3-7-18
Unit 9-15, 22F, Millennium City,
Neihu District
Shinyokohama Kohokuku,
No. 378 Kwun Tong Rd.,
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Yokohama, 222-0033
Kowloon, Hong Kong
TEL: 886-2-81777168
TEL: 81-45-4781881
TEL: 852-27513100
FAX: 886-2-87153579
FAX: 81-45-4781800
FAX: 852-27552064
Please note that all data and specifications are subject to change without notice.
All the trademarks of products and companies mentioned in this datasheet belong to their respective owners.
This product incorporates SuperFlash technology licensed From SST.
The contents of this document are provided only as a guide for the applications of Nuvoton products. Nuvoton
makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this
publication and reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to specifications and product descriptions at
any time without notice. No license, whether express or implied, to any intellectual property or other right of
Nuvoton or others is granted by this publication. Except as set forth in Nuvoton's Standard Terms and Conditions
of Sale, Nuvoton assumes no liability whatsoever and disclaims any express or implied warranty of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or infringement of any Intellectual property.
Nuvoton products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems or
equipments intended for surgical implantation, atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship
instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, or for other
applications intended to support or sustain life. Further more, Nuvoton products are not intended for applications
wherein failure of Nuvoton products could result or lead to a situation wherein personal injury, death or severe
property or environmental injury could occur.
Application examples and alternative uses of any integrated circuit contained in this publication are for illustration
only and Nuvoton makes no representation or warranty that such applications shall be suitable for the use
ISD and ChipCorder are treademarks of Nuvoton Electronics Corporation. SuperFlash is the trademark of
Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.
The 100-year retention and 100K record cycle projections are based upon accelerated reliability tests, as
published in the Nuvoton Reliability Report, and are neither warranted nor guaranteed by Nuvoton.
Information contained in this ISD ChipCorder data sheet supersedes all data for the ISD ChipCorder products
published by ISD prior to August, 1998.
This data sheet and any future addendum to this data sheet is(are) the complete and controlling ISD
ChipCorder product specifications. In the event any inconsistencies exist between the information in this and
other product documentation, or in the event that other product documentation contains information in addition to
the information in this, the information contained herein supersedes and governs such other information in its
Copyright 2003, Nuvoton Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. ISD is a registered trademark of
Nuvoton. ChipCorder is a treademark of Nuvoton. All other trademarks are properties of their respective