250 MHz Dual Integrated DCL with Level
Setting DACs, Per Pin PMU, and Per Chip VHH
Rev. 0
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3-level driver with high-Z mode and built-in clamps
Precision trimmed output resistance
Low leakage mode (typically <10 nA)
Voltage range: up to 2.0 V to +6.0 V
1.6 ns minimum pulse width, 2 V terminated
2.1 ns minimum pulse width, 3 V terminated
Window and differential comparator
500 MHz input equivalent bandwidth
±12 mA maximum current capability
Per pin PMU
Force voltage range: up to 2.0 V to +6.0 V
5 current ranges: 32 mA, 2 mA, 200 μA, 20 μA, 2 μA
14-bit DAC for DCL levels
Typically < ±5 mV INL (calibrated)
16-bit DAC for PMU levels
Typically < ±1.5 mV INL (calibrated) linearity in FV mode
HVOUT output buffer
0 V to 13.5 V output range
100-lead, 14 mm × 14 mm, TQFP_EP package
900 mW per channel with no load
Automatic test equipment
Semiconductor test systems
Board test systems
Instrumentation and characterization equipment
The ADATE305 is a complete, single-chip solution that performs
the pin electronic functions of the driver, the comparator, and
the active load (DCL), per pin PMU, and dc levels for ATE appli-
cations. The device also contains an HVOUT driver with a VHH
buffer capable of generating up to 13.5 V.
The driver features three active states: data high mode, data low
mode, and term mode, as well as an inhibit state. The inhibit
state, in conjunction with the integrated dynamic clamp, facili-
tates the implementation of a high speed active termination.
The ADATE305 supports two output voltage ranges: 2.0 V
to +6.0 V and 1.5 V to +6.0 V by adjusting the positive and
negative supply voltages.
The ADATE305 can be used as either a dual single-ended drive/
receive channel or a single differential drive/receive channel.
Each channel of the ADATE305 features a high speed window
comparator per pin for functional testing, as well as a per pin
PMU with FV, or FI and MV, or MI functions. All necessary dc
levels for DCL functions are generated by on-chip 14-bit DACs.
The per pin PMU features an on-chip 16-bit DAC for high
accuracy and contains integrated range resistors to minimize
external component counts.
The ADATE305 uses a serial bus to program all functional blocks
and has an on-board temperature sensor for monitoring the
device temperature.