Preliminary Technical Data
Rev. PrD | Page 27 of 35
The AD7609 provides two interface options: a parallel interface
and high-speed serial interface. The required interface mode is
selected via the PAR/SER SEL pin.
The operation of the interface modes is discussed in the
following sections.
Data can be read from the AD7609 via the parallel data bus with
standard CS and RD signals. To read the data over the parallel
bus, the PAR/SER SEL pin should be tied low. The CS and RD
input signals are internally gated to enable the conversion result
onto the data bus. The data lines, DB15 to DB0, leave their high
impedance state when both CS and RD are logic low.
The rising edge of the CS input signal three-states the bus and
the falling edge of the CS input signal takes the bus out of the
high impedance state. CS is the control signal that enables the
data lines, it is the function that allows multiple AD7609
devices to share the same parallel data bus. The CS signal can
be permanently tied low, and the RD signal can be used to
access the conversion results as shown in
. A read
operation of new data can take place after the BUSY signal
goes low (
), or alternatively a read operation of data
from the previous conversion process can take place while
BUSY is high (
The RD pin is used to read data from the output conversion
results register. Two RD pulses are required to read the full
18-bit conversion result from each channel. Applying a
sequence of 16 RD pulses to the AD7609 RD pin clocks the
conversion results out from each channel onto the parallel
output bus, DB[15:0], in ascending order. The first RD falling
edge after BUSY goes low clocks out DB[17:2] of the V1 result,
the next RD falling edge updates the bus with DB[1:0] of V1
result. It takes 16 RD pulses to read the eight 18 bit conversion
results from the AD7609. The 16th falling edge of RD clocks out
the DB[1:0] conversion result for channel V8. When the RD
signal is logic low, it enables the data conversion result from
each channel to be transferred to the digital host (DSP, FPGA).
When there is only one AD7609 in a system/board and it
does not share the parallel bus, data can be read using just one
control signal from the digital host. The CS and RD signals
can be tied together as shown in
. In this case, the data
bus comes out of three-state on the falling edge of
CS/RD. The
combined CS and RD signal allows the data to be clocked out
of the AD7609 and to be read by the digital host. In this case,
CS is used to frame the data transfer of each data channel and
16 CS pulses are required to read the eight channels of data.
Figure 44. AD7609 Interface Diagram: One AD7609 Using the Parallel Bus; CS
and RD Shorted Together
To read data back from the AD7609 over the serial interface,
the PAR/SER SEL pin should be tied high. The CS and SCLK
signals are used to transfer data from the AD7609. The AD7609
has two serial data output pins, DOUTA, and DOUTB. Data can be
read back from the AD7609 using one or both of these DOUT
lines. For the AD7609, conversion results from Channel V1 to
Channel V4 first appear on DOUTA while conversion results
from Channel V5 to Channel V8 first appear on DOUTB.
The CS falling edge takes the data output lines (DOUTA and
DOUTB) out of three-state and clocks out the MSB of the conver-
sion result. The rising edge of SCLK clocks all subsequent data
bits onto the serial data outputs DOUTA and DOUTB. The CS
input can be held low for the entire serial read or it can be
pulsed to frame each channel read of 18 SCLK cycles.
Figure 45 shows a read of eight simultaneous conversion results
using two DOUT lines on the AD7609. In this case, a 72 SCLK
transfer is used to access data from the AD7609 and CS is held
low to frame the entire 72 SCLK cycles. Data can also be
clocked out using just one DOUT line, in which case DOUTA is
recommended to access all conversion data as the channel data
is output in ascending order. For the AD7609 to access all eight
conversion results on one DOUT line, a total of 144 SCLK cycles
are required. These 144 SCLK cycles can be framed by one CS
signal or each group of 18 SCLK cycles can be individually
framed by the CS signal. The disadvantage of using just one
DOUT line is that the throughput rate is reduced if reading after
conversion. The unused DOUT line should be left unconnected
in serial mode. For the AD7609, if DOUTB is to be used as a
single DOUT line then the channel results will be output in the
following order: V5, V6, V7, V8, V1, V2, V3, V4; however, the
FRSTDATA indicator returns low once V5 is read on DOUTB.