The digital servo loop is essentially a ramp filter that provides
the initial pointer to the address in RAM and ROM for the start
of the FIR convolution. The RAM pointer is the integer output
of the ramp filter while the ROM is the fractional part. The
digital servo loop must be able to provide excellent rejection of
jitter on the fS_IN and fS_OUT clocks as well as measure the arrival
of the fS_OUT clock within 4.97 ps. The digital servo loop will
also divide the fractional part of the ramp output by the ratio of
fS_IN/fS_OUT for the case when fS_IN > fS_OUT, to dynamically alter
the ROM coefficients.
The digital servo loop is implemented with a multirate filter. To
settle the digital servo loop filter quicker upon start-up or a change
in the sample rate, a “fast mode” was added to the filter. When
the digital servo loop starts up or the sample rate is changed, the
digital servo loop kicks into “fast mode” to adjust and settle
on the new sample rate. Upon sensing the digital servo loop
settling down to some reasonable value, the digital servo loop
will kick into “normal” or “slow mode.” During “fast mode”
the MUTE_OUT signal of the sample rate converter is asserted
to let the user know that they should mute the sample rate
converter to avoid any clicks or pops. The frequency response of
the digital servo loop for “fast mode” and “slow mode” are
shown in Figure 8.
The FIR filter is a 64-tap filter in the case of fS_OUT
≥ fS_IN and is
64 taps for the case when fS_IN > fS_OUT. The FIR
filter performs its convolution by loading in the starting address
of the RAM address pointer and the ROM address pointer
from the digital servo loop at the start of the fS_OUT period.
The FIR filter then steps through the RAM by decrementing its
address by 1 for each tap, and the ROM pointer increments its
address by the (fS_OUT/fS_IN)
220 ratio for fS_IN > fS_OUT or 220
for fS_OUT
≥ fS_IN. Once the ROM address rolls over, the con-
volution is completed. The convolution is performed for both
the left and right channels, and the multiply accumulate circuit
used for the convolution is shared between the channels.
The fS_IN/fS_OUT sample rate ratio circuit is used to dynamically
alter the coefficients in the ROM for the case when fS_IN >
fS_OUT. The ratio is calculated by comparing the output of an
fS_OUT counter to the output of an fS_IN counter. If fS_OUT >
fS_IN, the ratio is held at one. If fS_IN > fS_OUT, the sample rate
ratio is updated if it is different by more than two fS_OUT periods
from the previous fS_OUT to fS_IN comparison. This is done to
provide some hysteresis to prevent the filter length from oscillat-
ing and causing distortion.
Figure 8. Frequency Response of the Digital Servo Loop. fS_IN Is the X-Axis, fS_OUT = 192 kHz, Master Clock
Frequency Is 30 MHz.