REV. 1.0.2
Command Register - CR2
Bit D4 - Reserved
This bit-field has no defined functionality
Bit D3 - ENDECDIS (B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder/Decoder-Disable)
This Read/Write bit-field is used to enable or disable the B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder/Decoder in the XRT73LC00A.
Writing a “1” to this bit-field disables the B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder. Writing a “0” to this bit-field enables the B3ZS/
HDB3 Encoder.
NOTE: This Encoder performs HDB3 Encoding if the XRT73LC00A is operating in the E3 Mode. Otherwise, it performs
B3ZS Encoding.
Bit D2 - ALOSDIS (Analog LOS Disable)
This Read/Write bit-field is used to disable the Analog LOS Detector.
Writing a “0” to this bit-field enables the Analog LOS Detector. Writing a “1” to this bit-field disables the Analog
LOS Detector.
NOTE: If the Analog LOS Detector is disabled, then the RLOS input pin is only asserted by the DLOS (Digital LOS
Bit D1 - DLOSDIS (Digital LOS Disable)
This Read/Write bit-field is used to disable the Digital LOS Detector.
Writing a “0” to this bit-field enables the Digital LOS Detector. Writing a “1” to this bit-field disables the Digital
LOS Detector.
NOTE: If the Digital LOS Detector is disabled, then the RLOS input pin is only asserted by the ALOS (Analog LOS
Bit D0 - REQDIS (Receive Equalization Disable)
This Read/Write bit-field is used to either enable or disable the internal Receive Equalizer in the XRT73LC00A.
Writing a “0” to this bit-field enables the Internal Equalizer. Writing a “1” to this bit-field disables the Internal
Command Register - CR3
Bit D4 - RNRZ (Receive Binary Data)
This Read/Write bit-field is used to configure the XRT73LC00A to output the received data from the Remote
Terminal in a binary or Dual-Rail format.
Writing a “1” to this bit-field configures the XRT73LC00A to output data to the Terminal Equipment in a Single-
Rail (binary) format via the RPOS output pin. The RNEG is grounded. A “0” to this bit-field configures the
XRT73LC00A to output data to the Terminal Equipment in a Dual-Rail format via both the RPOS and RNEG
output pins.
Bit D3 - LOSMUT (Recovered Data Muting during LOS Condition)
This Read/Write bit-field is used to configure the XRT73LC00A to NOT output any recovered data while it is
declaring an LOS condition to the terminal equipment.
Writing a “0” to this bit-field configures the chip to output recovered data even while the XRT73LC00A is
declaring an LOS condition. Writing a “1” to this bit-field configures the chip to NOT output the recovered data
while an LOS condition is being declared.
NOTE: In this mode, RPOS and RNEG is set to “0” asynchronously.
Bit D2 - RCLK2/LCV (Receive Clock Output 2/Line Code Violation)
This Read/Write bit-field is used to select the function of pin 30 (RCLK2/LCV). Pin 30 can be configured to
function as the Line Code Violation output indicator or as the additional Receive Clock Output (RCLK2).
Writing a “0” to this bit-field configures the pin to function as the Line Code Violation output pin. Writing a “1” to
this bit-field configures this pin to function as the RCLK2 output pin.
Bit D1 - RCLK2INV (Invert RCLK2)