T0 - T7 ((D0-D7) Output Timeout) Command
<I/O Settings {I/O Line Passing}> The T0, T1,
T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 and T7 commands are used to
set/read output timeout values for the lines that
correspond with the D0 - D7 parameters. When
output is set (due to I/O line passing) to a non-
default level, a timer is started which when
expired, will set the output to its default level. The timer is reset when a valid I/O packet is
received. The Tn parameter defines the permissible amount of time to stay in a non-default
(active) state. If Tn = 0, Output Timeout is disabled (output levels are held indefinitely).
VL (Firmware Version - Verbose)
<Diagnostics> The VL command is used to read
detailed version information about the RF module.
The information includes:
application build date; MAC, PHY and bootloader
versions; and build dates.
VR (Firmware Version) Command
<Diagnostics> The VR command is used to read
which firmware version is stored in the module.
XBee version numbers will have four significant
digits. The reported number will show three or
four numbers and is stated in hexadecimal notation. A version can be reported as "ABC" or
"ABCD". Digits ABC are the main release number and D is the revision number from the main
release. "D" is not required and if it is not present, a zero is assumed for D. "B" is a variant desig-
nator. The following variants exist:
" "0" = Non-Beacon Enabled 802.15.4 Code
" "1" = Beacon Enabled 802.15.4 Code
WR (Write) Command
<(Special)> The WR command is used to write
configurable parameters to the RF module's non-
volatile memory. Parameter values remain in the
module's memory until overwritten by subsequent use of the WR Command.
If changes are made without writing them to non-volatile memory, the module reverts back to pre-
viously saved parameters the next time the module is powered-on.
NOTE: Once the WR command is sent to the module, no additional characters should be sent until
after the OK/r response is received.
AT Commands: ATT0 - ATT7
Parameter Range:0 - 0xFF [x 100 msec]
Default Parameter Value:0xFF
Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.xA0
AT Command: ATVL
Parameter Range:0 - 0xFF
[x 100 milliseconds]
Default Parameter Value: 0x28 (40 decimal)
Minimum Firmware Version Required: v1.x80
AT Command: ATVR
Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFFFF [read only]
AT Command: ATWR