Linear Charger Management for Single Li-Ion
The TPS65014 is an integrated power and battery
or Li-Polymer Cells
management IC for applications powered by one
Li-ion or Li-polymer cell and which require multiple
Dual Input Ports for Charging From USB or
power rails. The TPS65014 provides two highly
From Wall Plug, Handles 100-mA / 500-mA
efficient, step-down converters targeted at providing
USB Requirements
the core voltage and peripheral, I/O rails in a
Charge Current Programmable via External
processor-based system. Both step-down converters
enter a low power mode at light load for maximum
efficiency across the widest possible range of load
1-A, 95% Efficient Step-Down Converter for
currents. The LOW_PWR pin allows the core con-
I/O and Peripheral Components (VMAIN)
verter to lower its output voltage when the application
400-mA, 90% Efficient Step-Down Converter
processor goes into deep sleep. The TPS65014 also
for Processor Core (VCORE)
integrates two 200-mA LDO voltage regulators, which
2x 200-mA LDOs for I/O and Peripheral
are enabled via the serial interface. Each LDO
Components, LDO Enable via Bus
operates with an input voltage range between 1.8 V
and 6.5 V, allowing them to be supplied from one of
Serial Interface Compatible With I
2C, Supports
the step-down converters or directly from the battery.
100-kHz, 400-kHz Operation
The TPS65014 also has a highly integrated and
LOW_PWR Pin to Lower or Disable Processor
flexible Li-Ion linear charger and system power man-
Core Supply Voltage in Deep Sleep Mode
70-A Quiescent Current
ac-adapter supply management with autonomous
1% Reference Voltage
power-source selection, power FET and current
sensor, high accuracy current and voltage regulation,
Thermal Shutdown Protection
charge status, and charge termination.
The TPS65014 charger automatically selects the
All Single Li-Ion Cell-Operated Products
USB-port or the ac-adapter as the power source for
Requiring Multiple Supplies Including:
the system. In the USB configuration, the host can
increase the charge current from the default value of
maximum 100 mA to 500 mA via the interface. In the
– Cellular/Smart Phone
ac-adapter configuration, an external resistor sets the
– Internet Audio Player
maximum value of charge current.
– Digital Still Camera
The battery is charged in three phases: conditioning,
Digital Radio Player
constant current, and constant voltage. Charge is
Split Supply DSP and P Solutions
normally terminated based on minimum current. An
internal charge timer provides a safety backup for
charge termination. The TPS65014 automatically
restarts the charge if the battery voltage falls below
an internal threshold. The charger automatically en-
ters sleep mode when both supplies are removed.
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Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
I2C is a trademark of Phillips.
PowerPAD is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.
Copyright 2004, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas
Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not
necessarily include testing of all parameters.