4.4.6 Input Processing Detecting Signal Presence
The Sync Processor provides two ways of
checking input signal presence, by directly polling
the LATR Latch Register or using the Timer
Polling check
Use the Latch Register (LATR), to detect the
HFBACK and VFBACK signals. These latched bits
are set when the falling edge of the corresponding
signal is detected. They are cleared by software.
Interrupts check
Due to the fact that VSYNCI is connected to Timer
Input Capture 1 and HSYNCI or CSYNCI is
connected to Timer Input Capture 2, the Timer
interrupts can be used to detect the presence of
input signals. Refer to the 16-bit Timer chapter for
the description of the Timer registers.
To use the interrupt method:
– Select Input Capture1 edge detection:
IEDG1 bit in the Timer CR1 register
– Select Input Capture 2 edge detection (must be
falling edge):
IEDG2 bit = 0 in the Timer CR2 register
– Enable Timer Input Capture interrupts:
ICIE bit in the Timer CR1 register.
– Select the Hsync and Vsync input signals:
HVSEL bit in the POLR register
– Enable the prescaler for HSYNCI or CSYNCI
PSCD bit in the CCR register.
– Select the normal mode:
LCV1/LCV0 bits in the CCR register.
Perform any of the following:
– Check for VSYNCI presence by monitoring inter-
rupt requests from Timer ICAP1. When VSYNCI
is detected then either detect the VSYNCI polar-
ity or check for HSYNCI presence.
– Check for HSYNCI presence by monitoring inter-
rupt requests from Timer ICAP2. On detecting
HSYNCI, either detect its polarity or check if the-
composite sync on HSYNCI pin is detected or
check for CSYNCI presence.
– Check for CSYNCI presence by monitoring inter-
rupt requests from Timer ICAP2. Measuring Sync Period
To measure the sync period, the Sync processor
block uses the Timer Input Capture interrupts:
– ICAP1 connected to VSYNCI signal
– ICAP2 connected to HSYNCI/CSYNCI signal
with a 256 prescaler
subsequent Input Captures (16-bit value) gives the
period for 256xPH (horizontal period) and PV
(vertical period).
The period accuracy is one timer clock (500ns at 2
MHz), so that the tolerance is 500ns for PH and
256 * PH (PH accuracy =1.95ns).
1) In case of composite sync, the HSYNCI period
measurement can be synchronized on the
VSYNCI pulse by setting and resetting the
prescaler PSCD bit in the CCR register (for this
function, the ICAP2 detection must be selected
as falling edge).
This avoids errors in the period measurement
due to the Vsync pulse.
2) The Timer Interrupt request should be masked
during a write access to any of the Sync
processor control registers.
Important Note:
Since the recognition of the video mode relies
on the accuracy of the measurements, it is
highly recommended to implement a counter-
consecutive measurements before switching
between modes.
The purpose of this algorithm is to filter out any
glitches occurring on the video signals.