Rev. 3.30
Transmit (THR) and Receive (RHR) Holding Regis-
The serial transmitter section consists of an 8-bit
Transmit Hold Register (THR) and Transmit Shift Reg-
ister (TSR). The status of the THR is provided in the Line
Status Register (LSR). Writing to the THR transfers the
contents of the data bus (D7-D0) to the THR, providing
that the THR or TSR is empty. The THR empty flag in the
LSR register will be set to a logic 1 when the transmitter
is empty or when data is transferred to the TSR. Note
that a write operation can be performed when the
transmit holding register empty flag is set.
The serial receive section also contains an 8-bit
Receive Holding Register, RHR. Receive data is
removed from the 454 by reading the RHR register.
The receive section provides a mechanism to prevent
false starts. On the falling edge of a start or false start
bit, an internal receiver counter starts counting clocks
at 16x clock rate. After 7 1/2 clocks the start bit time
should be shifted to the center of the start bit. At this
time the start bit is sampled and if it is still a logic 0 it
is validated. Evaluating the start bit in this manner
prevents the receiver from assembling a false charac-
ter. Receiver status codes will be posted in the LSR.
Interrupt Enable Register (IER)
The Interrupt Enable Register (IER) masks the inter-
rupts from receiver ready, transmitter empty, line
status and modem status registers. These interrupts
would normally be seen on the INT A-D output pins in
the 16 mode, or on WIRE-OR IRQ output pin, in the 68
This interrupt will be issued when the RHR is full,
cleared when the RHR is empty.
Logic 0 = Disable the receiver ready interrupt. (normal
default condition)
Logic 1 = Enable the receiver ready interrupt.
This interrupt will be issued whenever the THR is
empty and is associated with bit-1 in the LSR register.
Logic 0 = Disable the transmitter empty interrupt.
(normal default condition)
Logic 1 = Enable the transmitter empty interrupt.
This interrupt will be issued whenever a fully as-
sembled receive character is transferred from the RSR
to the RHR, data ready, LSR bit-0.
Logic 0 = Disable the receiver line status interrupt.
(normal default condition)
Logic 1 = Enable the receiver line status interrupt.
Logic 0 = Disable the modem status register interrupt.
(normal default condition)
Logic 1 = Enable the modem status register interrupt.
IER BIT 4-7:
Not used - Initialized to a logic 0.
Interrupt Status Register (ISR)
The 454 provides four levels of prioritized interrupts to
minimize external software interaction. The Interrupt
Status Register (ISR) provides the user with six inter-
rupt status bits. Performing a read cycle on the ISR will
provide the user with the highest pending interrupt
level to be serviced. No other interrupts are acknowl-
edged until the pending interrupt is serviced. When-
ever the interrupt status register is read, the interrupt
status is cleared. However it should be noted that only
the current pending interrupt is cleared by the read. A
lower level interrupt may be seen after rereading the
interrupt status bits. The Interrupt Source Table 7
(below) shows the data values (bit 0-5) for the four
prioritized interrupt levels and the interrupt sources
associated with each of these interrupt levels: