ST52F510/F513/F514 supply the system stack
and the user stack located in the additional RAM
bench. The user stack can be located anywhere in
the additional RAM by writing the top address in
the configuration registers, in order to avoid
overlap with other data.
Single Voltage Flash allows the user to reprogram
the devices on-board by means of the In Situ
Programming (ISP) feature. It is possible to store in
safe way up to 4K of data in the available EEPROM
memory benches. Permanent data, both in Flash
and EEPROM can be managed by means of the
In-Application-Programming (IAP) feature. Single
byte and Page write modes are supported. Flexible
write protection, of permanent data or program
instructions, is also available.
The Instruction Set composed of up to 107
instructions allows code compression and high
speed in the program implementation.
A powerful development environment consisting of
a board and software tools allows an easy
configuration and use of ST52F510/F513/F514.
T he Vi su al FI VE s oft w ar e t ool a ll ow s t he
development and debugging of projects via a user-
friendly graphical interface and optimization of
generated microcode.
Third-party Hardware Emulators and ‘C’ Compiler
ar e avai l abl e t o speed- up the ap pl ic at ion
implementation and time-to-market.
1.2 Functional Description
ST52F510/F513/F514 ICU’s can work in two
modes according to the Vpp signal levels:
Memory Programming Mode
Working Mode
During Working Mode Vpp must be tied to Vss. To
enter the Memory Programming Mode, the Vpp pin
must be tied to Vdd.
A RESET signal must be applied to the device to
switch from one mode to the other.
1.2.1 Memory Programming Mode.
The ST52F510/F513/F514 memory is loaded in
the Memory Programming Mode. All instructions
and data are written inside the memory during this
The Option Bytes are loaded during this phase by
using the programming tools. The Option Bytes
can only be loaded in this phase and cannot be
modified run-time.
Data and commands are transmitted by using the
I2C protocol, implemented using the internal I2C
peripheral. The In-Situ Programming protocol
(ISP) uses the following pins:
SDA and SCL for transmission
Vpp for entering in the mode
RESET for starting the protocol in a stable status
Vdd and Vss for the power supply.
The Internal clock is used in this phase.
1.2.2 Working Mode.
The processor starts the working phase following
the instructions, which have been previously
loaded in the first locations of the memory. The first
instruction must be a jump to the first program
instruction, skipping the data (interrupt vectors,
Membership Functions, user data) stored in the
first memory page.
ST52F510/F513/F514’s internal structure includes
two computational blocks, the CONTROL UNIT
which performs boolean functions. The DECISION
PROCESSOR (DP) block cooperates with these
blocks to perform Fuzzy algorithms.
The DP
manage up
Membership Functions for the antecedent part of
fuzzy rules. The consequent terms of the rules are
“crisp” values (real numbers). The maximum
number of rules that can be defined is limited by
The Program/Data Memory is shared between
and standard
memory, the user data can be stored both in non
volatile memory as well as in the RAM locations.
The Control Unit (CU) reads information and the
status of the peripherals.
Arithmetic calculus can be performed on these
values by using the internal CU and Register File,
which supports all computations. The
inputs can be Fuzzy and/or arithmetic output
values contained in the Register File or Program/
Data Memory.