channel is not used and the first channel of the
conversion sequence becomes Ain1.
The converter uses a fully differential analog input
configuration for a better noise immunity and
precision performances.
Up to 8 multiplexed Analog Inputs are available. A
single signal or a group of signals can be
converted sequentially by simply programming the
starting address of the last analog channel to be
converted. Single or continuous conversion modes
are available.
The result of the conversion of each A/D channel is
stored in the 8-bit Input Register pairs (addresses
from 41 to 56 (029h-038h)) according to the 8-bit or
10-bit mode. The resolution of conversion (8 or 10
bit) can be chosen by programming the RESOL bit
of the AD_CR Configuration Register. In 8-bit
mode the eight most significative bits (9:2) of the
result of conversion is stored in the least
significative byte of the register pair and the most
significative is put to zero. In 10-bit mode the two
most significative bits (9:8) are stored in the most
significative byte of the register pair; the other bits
(7:0) are stored in the least significative byte.
In 10-bit mode the result of the conversion must be
read in two steps: the MSB and the LSB. The
peripheral has been designed to avoid the side
effects that can occur when the register are
modified between the reading of the two bytes. In
fact the latching of the input register pair is
disabled after the reading of the first byte and it is
enabled again after the reading of the second byte.
User should pay attention to complete the two
readings to guarantee the data of the conversion to
be latched.
When the converted signal is higher than VREF,an
overflow occurs. In this case the 8/10 bits result are
all set to 1 and the A/D Overflow Register bit
(address 39 027h) corresponding to the channel is
set to 1. The bit is reset at the next conversion
having no overflow occurrence.
ST52F510/F513/F514 Interrupt Unit provides one
maskable channel for the End of Conversion and
for the overflow control. It is possible to set the
interrupt source on EOC or on overflow or on both
by programming the INT0 and INT1 bits in the
AD_CR Configuration Registers.
Note: the A/D Converter interrupts are not enabled
unless the bit 0 (MSKAD) of the Configuration
Register 0 (INT_MASK) is enabled (set to 1).
A Power-Down programmable bit (POW) allows
the A/D converter to be set to a minimum
consumption idle status. A stabilization time is
required, after the Power On, before accurate
conversions can be performed.
10.2 Functional Description
The conversion is monotonic, meaning that the
result never decreases if the analog input doesn’t
and never increases if the analog input doesn’t.
If input voltage is greater than or equal to Vdd
(voltage supply high) then the result is equal to
0FFh (full scale) without overflow indication.
If input voltage is less than Vss (voltage supply
low) then the result is equal to 00h.
The A/D converter is linear and the digital result of
the conversion is provided by the following
Where Reference Voltage is Vdd - Vss.
The accuracy of the conversion is described in the
Electrical Characteristics Section of the device
The A/D converter is not affected by the WAIT
When the ICU enters HALT mode with the A/D
converter enabled, the converter is disabled until
HALT mode is exited and the start-up delay has
10.3 Operating Modes
Four main operating modes can be selected by
setting the values of the CONT and SEQ bit in the
A/D Configuration Register AD_CR.
10.3.1 One Channel Single Mode. In this mode
(CONT=0, SEQ=0), the A/D provides an EOC
signal after the end of the conversion of the
specified channel; then the A/D waits for a new
start event. The channel is identified by the bits
CH2-CH0 in the Configuration Register AD_CR,
while the bit STR is used to command the Start/
10.3.2 Multiple Channels Single Mode. In this
mode (CONT=0, SEQ=1) the A/D provides an
EOC signal after the end of the channels sequence
Configuration Register bits CH2-0; then A/D waits
for a new start event.
10.3.3 One Channel Continuous Mode. In this
mode (CONT=1, SEQ=0) a continuous conversion
flow is entered by a start event on the selected
channel. At the end of each conversion, the
relative Input Register is updated with the last
conversion result, while the former value is lost.
D igitalresult
Refere nceVoltage